Love Island crew member reveals what it’s REALLY like inside the villa

Major job envy

Love Island

by Carl Smith |
Published on

It sort of goes without saying that we're obsessed with Love Island here at heatworld. In case you'd failed to notice, 97.5% of our conversation tends to centre around the show. We're not even sorry about it.

So can you imagine actually working on the show? All that goss, actually becoming BFFs with the islanders, the fact you get to spend seven weeks in the Majorcan sun and call it a job? Major envy.

Well now one crew member's revealed what it's really like working on everyone's favourite ITV2 telly show; explaing they almost feel like a 'third person' in their relationships.

Watch below: Blazin' Squad talk all things Love Island

Chatting to Vogue, said crew member revealed: "It's just an all-round really great experience. It's a real-life fly on the wall moment and you go on a journey with the whole cast. You laugh and cry along with them all.

"I think the most memorable moments are always the big twists of couples splitting/cheating/falling in love and how quickly everything can just change in a day. Every day there is a new twist or more drama so every day was exciting to work on.

"I think the strangest part is listening in on intimate and private conversations unknowingly to the cast - you really start to feel like a third person in their relationships, and they may never even meet you."

Oh, and they confirmed everything we see is real. YAAAS.

READ MORE: Everything you need to know about Love Island 2017



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