Love Island’s Jess and Dom’s first couple shoot’s here

WHAT Mike rumours?

Love Island's Jessica Shears and Dom Lever

by Carl Smith |
Published on

We don't know where they've found to do this in between the TV appearances, protein powder posts and posing pretty much naked on Instagram, but Love Island's Jessica Shears and Dom Lever have just debuted their first couple shoot for boohooMAN and it's liiiit.

What do you mean you don't like it when we use 'lit'? IT'S COOL.

Yup - after inisiting on making us feel single af with their flurry of cute Insta posts lately, #Jominic have been modelling a load of boohoo and boohooMAN garms while looking like love's young dream. What Mike Thalassitis sex rumours, eh?

LOOK, they're so classy.

Love Island's Jessica Shears and Dom Lever

But also so sexy. Such a versatile couple.

Love Island's Jessica Shears and Dom Lever

Oh, how we've missed Dom's oh-so-toned-torso on our tellyboxes. Casual pose.

Love Island's Jessica Shears and Dom Lever

He even serves proper edgy, hipster realness. Very...Haim.

Love Island's Jessica Shears and Dom Lever

What d'ya make of that, then? Got a feeling there's a lot more of this to come, and we're READY for it.


We might be getting a same-sex series of Love Island

You can now literally buy a #MuggyMike mug. Fantastic.

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