Love Island is making a BIG change in 2018

ITV is apparently 'casting lesbian and gay contestants'

Amber Davies

by Carl Smith |
Updated on

A same-sex series of Love Island has been rumoured for a while, and it sounds like 2018 might be the year we finally see lesbian and gay couples join the show and cause some drama in Palma.

Bosses faced a bit of a backlash for including exclusively straight contestants last year and are reportedly keen for a more inclusive series with the LGBTQ+ community being cast this time around.

Love Island logo

Speaking to Daily Star Online, a source said: "Love Island was undoubtedly the biggest reality show this year, it had everyone talking. Even people who weren't watching the show still heard about it.

"The main thing they came under fire for was sex on TV, which people have now started to accept, so come next series people won't really care about that."

This all comes after an insider-type hinted we could be getting a same-sex Love Island spin-off last year, telling Daily Star: "The heterosexual couples this year have been amazing entertainment.

"But there is a feeling among producers that there could be more representation of the LGBT community.

"In 2017, they know they can’t go on forever pretending the gay community doesn’t exist. It’s only a matter of time."

Applications for Love Island 2018 are open NOW, and since they've already received a record number of potential peeps you might wanna get a move on. What are you waiting for, mate?

Follow last year's Love Island lot on Snapchat:

"ITV want to increase the shock factor of the show and keep people talking, by having LGBT people included.


heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list

Caroline Flack Snapchat username1 of 75

Caroline Flack Snapchat username

Let's kick things off with our Love Island host and all-round MEGA BABE Caroline Flack.Snapchat: flickflackTwitter: @carolineflack1Instagram: @carolineflack

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list2 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Iain Stirling Snapchat username

Next up is the absolutely, bloody hilarious Iain Stirling. He's responsible for the witty commentary basically taking the piss out of all the islanders. Lolol.Snapchat: IaindoesjokesTwitter: @IainDoesJokesInstagram: @iaindoesjokes

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list3 of 75

Samira Mighty Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @samiramightyTwitter: @MightySamira

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list4 of 75

Dani Dyer Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @danidyerxxTwitter: @Dani_MasDyer

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list5 of 75

Dr Alex George Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @adlgeorge1Twitter: n/a

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list6 of 75

Hayley Hughes Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @hayleyhughes.xxTwitter: @hayleyhughes13

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list7 of 75

Kendall-Rae Knight Snapchat username

Snapchat: kendallknightxInstagram: @kendallreaknightTwitter: @KendallRKnight

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list8 of 75

Georgia Steel Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: geesteelxTwitter: n/a

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list9 of 75

Eyal Booker Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @EyalBookerTwitter: @EyalBooker

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list10 of 75

Laura Anderson Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @lauraanderson1xTwitter: n/a

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list11 of 75

Charlie Frederick Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: charliefrederick_Twitter: n/a

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list12 of 75

Adam Collard Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @adamcollardTwitter: @theadamcollard

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list13 of 75

Wes Nelson Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @wes.nelsonTwitter: @WesLNelson

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list14 of 75

Jack Fincham Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: jack_charlesfTwitter: @Jack_CharlesF

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list15 of 75

Josh Denzel Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: joshdenzelTwitter: n/a

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list16 of 75

Megan Barton Hanson Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: meganbartonhanson_Twitter: @MeganBHanson

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list17 of 75

Niall Aslam Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @niallaslamTwitter: @niallaslam

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list18 of 75

Rosie Williams Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aInstagram: rosieawilliamsTwitter: n/a

Georgia Harrison Snapchat19 of 75

Georgia Harrison Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @glharrisonxInstagram: @glharrisonx

Jamie Jewitt Snapchat username20 of 75

Jamie Jewitt Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @jamielukejewittInstagram: @jamiejewitt_

Theo Campbell Snapchat username21 of 75

Theo Campbell Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @theocampbelInstagram: @theo_campbell91

Rob Lipsett Snapchat username22 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Rob Lipsett Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @RobLipsettInstagram: roblipsett

Steve Ball Snapchat username23 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Steve Ball Snapchat username

Snapchat: steveball_92Twitter: @steveball_92Instagram: steveball92

Alex Beattie Snapchat username24 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Alex Beattie Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: n/aInstagram: alex.beattie

Nathan Joseph Snapchat username25 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Nathan Joseph Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @natjosephInstagram: nat_joseph

Craig Lawson Snapchat username26 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Craig Lawson Snapchat username

Snapchat:craiglawsonptTwitter: @thetattooedptInstagram: thetattooedpt

Marino Kastsouris Snapchat username27 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Marino Kastsouris Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @marlnokatsourisInstagram: marino_katsouris

Shannen Reilly Mcgrath Snapchat username28 of 75

Shannen Reilly Mcgrath Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @ShannenReillyMInstagram: shannenreillymcgrath

Chyna Ellis Snapchat username29 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Chyna Ellis Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @chynaellis_Instagram: chynaellis_

Amelia Peters Snapchat username30 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Amelia Peters Snapchat username

Snapchat: apetersxTwitter: @amelia_petersInstagram: ameliapeters1

Ellisha-Jade White Snapchat username31 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Ellisha-Jade White Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @thesotongirlInstagram: thesouthamptongirl

Danielle Sellers Snapchat username32 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Danielle Sellers Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @DanieIleSellersInstagram: daniellejsellers

Tyla Carr Snapchat username33 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Tyla Carr Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter:TylaRosieCarrInstagram

Simon Searles Snapchat username34 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Simon Searles Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: simonsearles1Instagram: sisearles

Mike Thalassitis aka 'Muggy Mike' Snapchat username35 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Mike Thalassitis aka 'Muggy Mike' Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: MikeThalassitisInstagram: mike_thala

Gabby Allen Snapchat username36 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Gabby Allen Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @gabbydawnallenInstagram: @gabbydawnallen

Tyne-Lexi Clarson Snapchat username37 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Tyne-Lexi Clarson Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @tlc_xxxInstagram: @tyne_lexy_clarson

Jonny Mitchell Snapchat username38 of 75

Jonny Mitchell Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @jonnyVmitchellInstagram: @jonny_mitchell1991

Chris Hughes Snapchat username39 of 75

Chris Hughes Snapchat username

Snapchat: hchris22Twitter: @chrishughes_22Instagram: @chrishughes_22

Olivia Attwood Snapchat username40 of 75

Olivia Attwood Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @oliviajade_attInstagram: @oliviajade_attwood

Chloe Crowhurst Snapchat username41 of 75

Chloe Crowhurst Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @ChloeCrowhurst_Instagram: @chloecrowhurstx

Montana Brown Snapchat username42 of 75

Montana Brown Snapchat username

Snapchat: MontanarosebrowTwitter: @montanarosebInstagram: @montanarosebrown1

Jessica Shears Snapchat username43 of 75

Jessica Shears Snapchat username

Snapchat: jessicaroseukTwitter: @Jessica_Rose_UKInstagram: @jessica_rose_uk

Camilla Thurlow Snapchat username44 of 75

Camilla Thurlow Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @CamillaThurlowInstagram: @camillathurlow

Amber Davies Snapchat username45 of 75

Amber Davies Snapchat username

Snapchat: amber_davies7Twitter: @Amber_Davies7Instagram: @amb_d

ENTERTAINMENT heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list by Ruby Norris | 11 09 2017   Shirtless selfies and bikini snaps galore Love Island is without doubt the standout reality TV show of the summer (Big Brother, CBB, Ex On The Beach we still love you don't worry). Can you think of anything more entertaining than shoving a load of sassy, sexy singletons into a villa and watching them try and cop off with each other to be in with a chance of becoming the last couple standing and taking home the £50,000 prize? No. Obvs not.  (PS, find out everyhting you need to know about the new series here.)  Not only do the islanders form close bonds with each other in the villa (some closer than others wink, wink) but we kinda get a little bit obsessed with them too. Now that it's all over, we want to know everything about them: if the couples are still together IRL, if they all hang out as mates, what they had for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner, and the best way to do that is of course on Snapchat.  So, we've done some digging and compiled an ultimate list of Love Island stars' Snapchat usernames and social media handles.  Here ya go!  Love Island Snapchat Usernames Caroline Flack Snapchat username  Let's kick things off with our Love Island host and all-round MEGA BABE Caroline Flack.  Snapchat: flickflack  Twitter: @carolineflack1  Instagram: @carolineflack  Iain Stirling aka Love Island Voice Over Guy Snapchat username Next up is the absolutely, bloody hilarious Iain Stirling. He's responsible for the witty commentary basically taking the piss out of all the islanders. Lolol.  Snapchat: Iaindoesjokes  Twitter: @IainDoesJokes  Instagram: @iaindoesjokes  Georgia Harrison Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @glharrisonx  Instagram: @glharrisonx  Jamie Jewitt Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @jamielukejewitt  Instagram: @jamiejewitt_  Theo Campbell Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @theocampbel  Instagram: @theo_campbell91  Rob Lipsett Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @RobLipsett  Instagram: roblipsett   Steve Ball Snapchat username Snapchat: steveball_92  Twitter: @steveball_92  Instagram: steveball92   Alex Beattie Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: n/a  Instagram: alex.beattie   Nathan Joseph Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @natjoseph  Instagram: nat_joseph   Craig Lawson Snapchat username Snapchat:craiglawsonpt  Twitter: @thetattooedpt  Instagram: thetattooedpt   Marino Kastsouris Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @marlnokatsouris  Instagram: marino_katsouris   Shannen Reilly Mcgrath Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @ShannenReillyM  Instagram: shannenreillymcgrath   Chyna Ellis Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @chynaellis_  Instagram: chynaellis_   Amelia Peters Snapchat username Snapchat: apetersx  Twitter: @amelia_peters  Instagram: ameliapeters1   Ellisha-Jade White Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @thesotongirl  Instagram: thesouthamptongirl   Danielle Sellers Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @DanieIleSellers  Instagram: daniellejsellers   Tyla Carr Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter:TylaRosieCarr  Instagram:tylarosie   Simon Searles Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: simonsearles1  Instagram: sisearles   Mike Thalassitis aka 'Muggy Mike' Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: MikeThalassitis  Instagram: mike_thala   Gabrielle ALlen Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @gabbydawnallen  Instagram: @gabbydawnallen  Tyne-Lexi Clarson Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @tlc_xxx  Instagram: @tyne_lexy_clarson  Jonny Mitchell Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @jonnyVmitchell  Instagram: @jonny_mitchell1991  (CREDIT: ITV) u00a9 ITV Chris Hughes Snapchat username Snapchat: hchris22  Twitter: @chrishughes_22  Instagram: @chrishughes_22  (CREDIT: ITV) u00a9 ITV Olivia Attwood Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @oliviajade_att  Instagram: @oliviajade_attwood  u00a9 ITV Chloe Crowhurst Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @ChloeCrowhurst_  Instagram: @chloecrowhurstx  u00a9 ITV Montana Brown Snapchat username Snapchat: Montanarosebrow  Twitter: @montanaroseb  Instagram: @montanarosebrown1  u00a9 ITV Jessica Shears Snapchat username Snapchat: jessicaroseuk  Twitter: @Jessica_Rose_UK  Instagram: @jessica_rose_uk  u00a9 ITV Camilla Thurlow Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a  Twitter: @CamillaThurlow  Instagram: @camillathurlow  u00a9 ITV Amber Davies Snapchat username Snapchat: amber_davies7  Twitter: @Amber_Davies7  Instagram: @amb_d  u00a9 ITV Marcel Somerville Snapchat username46 of 75

ENTERTAINMENT heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list by Ruby Norris | 11 09 2017 Shirtless selfies and bikini snaps galore Love Island is without doubt the standout reality TV show of the summer (Big Brother, CBB, Ex On The Beach we still love you don't worry). Can you think of anything more entertaining than shoving a load of sassy, sexy singletons into a villa and watching them try and cop off with each other to be in with a chance of becoming the last couple standing and taking home the £50,000 prize? No. Obvs not. (PS, find out everyhting you need to know about the new series here.) Not only do the islanders form close bonds with each other in the villa (some closer than others wink, wink) but we kinda get a little bit obsessed with them too. Now that it's all over, we want to know everything about them: if the couples are still together IRL, if they all hang out as mates, what they had for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner, and the best way to do that is of course on Snapchat. So, we've done some digging and compiled an ultimate list of Love Island stars' Snapchat usernames and social media handles. Here ya go! Love Island Snapchat Usernames Caroline Flack Snapchat username Let's kick things off with our Love Island host and all-round MEGA BABE Caroline Flack. Snapchat: flickflack Twitter: @carolineflack1 Instagram: @carolineflack Iain Stirling aka Love Island Voice Over Guy Snapchat username Next up is the absolutely, bloody hilarious Iain Stirling. He's responsible for the witty commentary basically taking the piss out of all the islanders. Lolol. Snapchat: Iaindoesjokes Twitter: @IainDoesJokes Instagram: @iaindoesjokes Georgia Harrison Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @glharrisonx Instagram: @glharrisonx Jamie Jewitt Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @jamielukejewitt Instagram: @jamiejewitt_ Theo Campbell Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @theocampbel Instagram: @theo_campbell91 Rob Lipsett Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @RobLipsett Instagram: roblipsett Steve Ball Snapchat username Snapchat: steveball_92 Twitter: @steveball_92 Instagram: steveball92 Alex Beattie Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: n/a Instagram: alex.beattie Nathan Joseph Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @natjoseph Instagram: nat_joseph Craig Lawson Snapchat username Snapchat:craiglawsonpt Twitter: @thetattooedpt Instagram: thetattooedpt Marino Kastsouris Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @marlnokatsouris Instagram: marino_katsouris Shannen Reilly Mcgrath Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @ShannenReillyM Instagram: shannenreillymcgrath Chyna Ellis Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @chynaellis_ Instagram: chynaellis_ Amelia Peters Snapchat username Snapchat: apetersx Twitter: @amelia_peters Instagram: ameliapeters1 Ellisha-Jade White Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @thesotongirl Instagram: thesouthamptongirl Danielle Sellers Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @DanieIleSellers Instagram: daniellejsellers Tyla Carr Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter:TylaRosieCarr Instagram:tylarosie Simon Searles Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: simonsearles1 Instagram: sisearles Mike Thalassitis aka 'Muggy Mike' Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: MikeThalassitis Instagram: mike_thala Gabrielle ALlen Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @gabbydawnallen Instagram: @gabbydawnallen Tyne-Lexi Clarson Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @tlc_xxx Instagram: @tyne_lexy_clarson Jonny Mitchell Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @jonnyVmitchell Instagram: @jonny_mitchell1991 (CREDIT: ITV) © ITV Chris Hughes Snapchat username Snapchat: hchris22 Twitter: @chrishughes_22 Instagram: @chrishughes_22 (CREDIT: ITV) © ITV Olivia Attwood Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @oliviajade_att Instagram: @oliviajade_attwood © ITV Chloe Crowhurst Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @ChloeCrowhurst_ Instagram: @chloecrowhurstx © ITV Montana Brown Snapchat username Snapchat: Montanarosebrow Twitter: @montanaroseb Instagram: @montanarosebrown1 © ITV Jessica Shears Snapchat username Snapchat: jessicaroseuk Twitter: @Jessica_Rose_UK Instagram: @jessica_rose_uk © ITV Camilla Thurlow Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @CamillaThurlow Instagram: @camillathurlow © ITV Amber Davies Snapchat username Snapchat: amber_davies7 Twitter: @Amber_Davies7 Instagram: @amb_d © ITV Marcel Somerville Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @marcel_rockybInstagram: @marcel_rockyb

Kem Cetinay Snapchat username47 of 75

Kem Cetinay Snapchat username

Snapchat: kemcatinayTwitter: @KemCetinayInstagram: @kemcetinay

Sam Gowland Snapchat username48 of 75

Sam Gowland Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @SamGowland123Instagram: @samgowland

Harley Judge Snapchat username49 of 75

Harley Judge Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @Harley_JudgeInstagram: @harley_judge

Dom Lever Snapchat username50 of 75

Dom Lever Snapchat username

Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @_DomLeverInstagram: @domlever

Cara de la Hoyde Snapchat username51 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Cara de la Hoyde Snapchat username

Snapchat: miss_delahoydeTwitter: @miss_delahoydeInstagram: @cara_delahoyde

Nathan Massey Snapchat username52 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Nathan Massey Snapchat username

Snapchat: nathloveislandTwitter: @NathanMassey_Instagram: @nathanmassey_

Olivia Buckland Snapchat username53 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Olivia Buckland Snapchat username

Snapchat: oliviabucklTwitter: @OliviaDBuckInstagram: @oliviadbuck

Alex Bowen Snapchat username54 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Alex Bowen Snapchat username

Snapchat: ab_bowen07Twitter: @ab_bowen07Instagram: @ab_bowen

Kady McDermott Snapchat username55 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Kady McDermott Snapchat username

Snapchat: kadymcdermottxTwitter: @kadymcdermottxInstagram: @kadymcdermott

Scott Thomas Snapchat username56 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Scott Thomas Snapchat username

Snapchat: scottyspecial88Twitter: @scottyspecialInstagram: @scottyspecial

Adam Maxted Snapchat username57 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Adam Maxted Snapchat username

Snapchat: adamsintillate

Katie Salmon Snapchat username58 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Katie Salmon Snapchat username

Snapchat: katieukmodel

Tom Powell Snapchat username59 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Tom Powell Snapchat username

Snapchat: ThomasJPowell

Sophie Gradon Snapchat username60 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Sophie Gradon Snapchat username

Snapchat: sophiegradon

Rykard Jenkins Snapchat username61 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Rykard Jenkins Snapchat username

Snapchat: Rykardio

Terry Walsh Snapchat username62 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Terry Walsh Snapchat username

Snapchat: terry_walsh

Emma-Jane Woodhams Snapchat username63 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Emma-Jane Woodhams Snapchat username

Snapchat: emma_jane44

Tina Stinnes Snapchat username64 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Tina Stinnes Snapchat username

Snapchat: tinastinnes

Rachel Fenton Snapchat username65 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Rachel Fenton Snapchat username

Snapchat: rachelfenton18

Javi Shephard Snapchat username66 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Javi Shephard Snapchat username

Snapchat: javisuperyacht

Malin Andersson Snapchat username67 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Malin Andersson Snapchat username

Snapchat: missmsara

Jessica Hayes Snapchat username68 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Jessica Hayes Snapchat username

Snapchat: miss_mae_x

Max Morley Snapchat username69 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Max Morley Snapchat username

Snapchat: maxmorley77

Jon Clark Snapchat username70 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Jon Clark Snapchat username

Snapchat: jbclark6

Hannah Elizabeth Snapchat username71 of 75
CREDIT: Snapchat

Hannah Elizabeth Snapchat username

Snapchat: missheliz

Joshua Ritchie Snapchat username72 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Joshua Ritchie Snapchat username

Snapchat: yousaying1

Luis Morrison Snapchat username73 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Luis Morrison Snapchat username

Snapchat: luismorrison39

Cally-Jane Beech Snapchat username74 of 75
CREDIT: Instagram

Cally-Jane Beech Snapchat username

Snapchat: callyjane1991

Lucie Donlan Snapchat username75 of 75
CREDIT: u00a9 ITV Pictures

Lucie Donlan Snapchat username

Snapchat: Luciemodel_surf

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