If you've reading this Love Island spoiler, we're gonna assume you're a die-hard fan, like all of us here at heat hq. So, it won't be news to you that Gabby Allen and Marcel Sommerville are SUPER into each other – like, vomit inducingly cute.
Sure, they had some bumps along the road, like when Gabby found out that Marcel kissed Shannen Reilly McGrath, and then when she later discovered he'd actually kissed her TWICE…
But after jumping over that hurdle unscathed, tonight they take their romance to a whole new level, as Blazin' Squad's very own Marce is set to say those special three words to girlfriend Gabs in a really big, soppy, romantic speech.
Yeah, he's said it before in a jokey way (hidden behind a cough, before he corrected himself and said "I like you a lot, init)... but whe're telling you now, when you hear Marcel drop the L bomb tonight, you're gonna be in absolute FLOODS of tears.

The big moment happens after Gabby gets a bit insecure when two newbies enter the villa, and take a selection of the girls on a date.
Uh huh, TWO NEWBIES. You can find out a bit more about that here.
Speaking to Marcel about the newbies arriving, she tells him she's upset that no-one ever seems to fancy her when they enter the villa.
She says: “It’s not that I want anyone to try and come between us because it would never happen, it’s just for my own selfish insecurities… I’m sorry."
Awww Gabs. We've all been there, hun.
Of course, Marcel is quick to give his girlfriend an ego boost, and to remind her that she's an absolute, certified babe.
“I came down the steps and no one stepped forward for me,” he reminds her. “I saw you walking down the stairs and I was like, that’s the one… and from that moment all I wanted to do was talk to you."
How bloody adorbz.

And he doesn't stop there, in a romantic speech to charm his girlfriend out of her rubbish mood, he continues: “I love you just the way you are. Honestly, you are amazing, forget everyone else in this villa, it doesn’t matter what they look like, if they’re taller than you, or if they’ve got bigger boobs than you.
"They haven’t got better abs than you have they? Or a better bum. Or better eyes, because your eyes are beautiful. You just need to relax and stop upsetting yourself. No one is better than you in here that is a fact....I think I’m going to say it to you every day for the rest of your life."
O. M. G. We think this is possibly the most romantic thing we've ever heard.
If Gabby and Marcel don't end up walking down the aisle in a year's time then we'll lose faith in humanity, tbh.
Chin up Gabs, you don't need anybody else to fancy you when you've got a bloke like Marce.
Next read: Love Island's Chris Hughes tries to FLIRT with Shannen Reilly McGrath while in Casa Amor