Love Island has pretty much taken over the lives of everyone in the world, like… ever. The other day, keen fans of the show spotted a picture of Dom Lever on Liam Gallagher’s phone, and Adele slagged off Gabby Allen to a whole arena full of people.
But one of the most unexpected celebrity superfans has been grime artist, Stormzy, who has made no secret of the fact he watches the show religiously on his Twitter account.
Well, we bet he’ll LOVE tonight’s episode, because in a game called ‘Bang on Trend’ the Islanders hear one of his tweets read aloud, and it certainly sends some shock waves through the villa…
Mike Thalassitis gets a text. It reads: “Islanders, it’s time to find out what Twitter is saying in today’s challenge, Bang On Trend #tweetasanut #tweetnsour”
The challenge see’s the Islanders split into teams, where they have to guess whose names have been blanked out of various tweets, read out by Georgia Harrison and Sam Gowland. They then have to pump up a balloon until it pops, and the team who pops their balloon first have to state who they think the tweets are about.
Sounds hilarious, right? But when a tweet from Stormzy is read out, saying “XXX you’re too good for her mate,” and the Olivia Attwood finds out it’s about her, things turn seriously sour.
Yup, you guessed it. When the Islanders learn the answer, Chris Hughes smirks at the result and Liv kicks off (we know right… what a shocker.)

Trying to reassure her, Chris says: “It’s a tweet, it’s a game isn’t it?”
And Olivia responds: “I’m not bothered about the tweet, I’m bothered about your reaction but we all expect that from you anyway.”
Uh oh. Has Stormzy managed to get between the couple just a day after they became official?
During the game, Chris also finds out that Liv said she would sleep with Mike in the hideaway if nobody ever found out…
Later that evening, as they fight about the game, Chris sarcastically tells Liv: “You’re an angel aren’t you, little princess,” before muttering under his breath, “he’s right though isn’t he, I am too good for her, way too good.”
Eeeek. We CANNOT WAIT until 9pm now. Bring on the dramz!
NEXT READ: Love Island fans have a baffling conspiracy theory about Marcel Sommerville...
Love Island fans accuse Liv of staying with Chris to win the prize money