Watch Madonna’s new video for Bitch I’m Madonna

Oh, YOU'RE Madonna. Soz.


by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Madonna's long-awaited new music video for Bitch I'm Madonna has landed and at last you can watch it online without signing up to any of that Tidal malarkey.

The video 'did a bit of a Taylor Swift' by including a menagerie of super-famous types. Music videos have become a bit like The Avengers, except half-arsed and there's no giant green one who'll get angry with everyone once in a while and hit them.

There's blink-and-you'll-miss-them cameos from the likes of Beyonce, Jay Z and Kanye West, who are dodgily edited over the top, while mouthing along to the track. But who know's if they're even doing that? Madge could've just pinched the clips from one of their own videos and dubbed it over.*

*We're sure she didn't. We don't even know if she can use Final Cut.

There's actually real life cameos from Rita Ora and Chris Rock. Random, right? Maybe the Chris Rock fan army will really seed this one out and help make it "shareable" and "engaging" and all those other words digital marketing people say. DJ maestro Diplo, who helped create the track, also makes an appearance in the fluorescent party.

We're hoping this trend of cramming in celeb cameos doesn't become a... er, trend. Madonna's attempt already looks a little bit naff, the last thing we want is Sam Bailey trying to squeeze X Factor alumni in her videos to try and drum up some interest.

What else is there? Well, lots of leopard print, neon and sassy hair flips. Overall, it's okay. At least the actual song is good, mind.

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