Have you been mistaken for someone else? Once we were told that we look a bit like AC Slater from Saved By The Bell while we were in a loo in Greece. The bit about us being in the loo probably isn't relevant, but we've written now. Soz.
Well, just imagine you were mistaken for someone else, but that someone else wasn't a '90s celeb, but their blind date. That's the situation Nancy (Lake Bell) finds herself in during Man Up, when she accidentally ends up on a date with Jack (Simon Pegg) and ends up falling for his lovely Britishness and gingery beard.
The only problem is that Jack was actually meant to be going on a date with Nancy's pal Jessica. And once he finds out she's been lying to him all along, he's all kinds of angry.
Now Nancy is going to have to truly put herself out there, push past her inhibitions and Man Up (despite being a woman), if she's going to get the guy she wants.
Expect lots of laughs, tears and backdrops of jolly old London town from the same team that brought you The Inbetweeners Movie.
Man Up hits cinemas on 29 May 2015