Have Marnie Simpson’s boobs LOST her CBB?

Ofcom received 79 complaints about Marns' mamms

CBB Marnie

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Marnie Simpson is the third member of *Geordie Shore'*s current cast (yeah, we're not counting Ricci Guarnaccio as he'd left the show before he went into CBB) to go into Celebrity Big Brother.

But could she be the first to NOT win? Charlotte Crosby and Scotty T both added '*CBB *winner' to their CV when they took part in the show.

Marnie seemed pretty coy about her chances of being crowned the winner when she spoke to Emma Willis on her entrance, saying: "Scott and Charlotte are very different people to me," and it seems she's already reducing her chances of winning.

Why? Because of her boobs.

Marnie flapped her baps about in fellow housemate Saira Khan's face, prefacing it with the frankly rude: "I just want to ask you a very serious question: do you think that we had the big confrontation because I've got better boobs than you?"

The move lead to some viewers branding Marnie a bully and even Charlotte tweeted that she thought Marnie had made a mistake.

Charlotte predicted that Marns would apologise to Saira:

And she was right. But Marnie's apology was pretty half-arsed and actually resulted in Saira crying again, and earned her an eviction nomination from Samantha Fox. And Sam knows a thing or two about wapping her baps out.

Not only that, 79 people took the time out of their day to complain to Ofcom about Marnie's bare breasts, although it's not clear whether they were offended by the 'bullying' or the boobs.

CBB Lewis Marnie kiss
©Channel 5

Plus, some viewers don't seem to be pleased about Marnie's blossoming romance with Lewis Bloor, blasting it as fake.

Come on, guys. This is a continuation of their beautiful love story that Ricky Rayment alleges began in a taxi around the time his and Marnie's engagement broke down.

Be reasonable.

CBB continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.

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