Nicole Scherzinger and Olly Murs perform on The X Factor!

Nicole and Olly took to The X Factor stage this weekend and were Schmazing and totally Oll-some...


by Maria Vallahis |
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The Schamazing Nicole Scherzinger returned to the X Factor stage tonight with an extra special performance.

Former Pussycat Doll Scherzy sang her new single Run, delivering an emotional rendition of the track, while dressed in a dazzling gold gown.

She received a standing ovation from her former colleagues and this year’s X Factor judges.

An excited Scherzy hugged Dermot after her performance and said: “It feels so good to be back. “I’m doing Cats for two months only so make sure you come see it.”

“Proud pussy power,” added the 36-year-old.

Olly Murs also performed on tonight’s show, when the former X Factor graduate sang Wrapped Up.

Olly Murs performs his new single Wrapped Up | The X Factor UK 2014:

As if that’s not enough, there was also the world premiere of charity single Band Aid 30 to look forward to.

In a sing-off between Jay James and Stevi Ritchie, Jay was eliminated with the lowest public vote after the ITV show’s judges brought the vote to deadlock.

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