You may have noticed that we at heat are pretty partial to the peen. We've brought you Lewis Bloor's (ENORMOUS peen), Gaz Beadle's [{href='' }) and, most notably, we brought you Alex Bowen's absolutely massive wang.
And now, finally, we are able to bring you FITLORD CALUM BEST’S.
Well, he kinda brought it himself during last night during Celebrity Big Brother.
Dressed in a neon orange skin-tight lycra arrangement for a task (thanks Big Brother lol), he went into the Diary Room to discuss just how much he was enjoying wearing it.
“I’m loving my attire today Big Brother, I’ve very much gotten into the role-play,” he said.

“I’m packing, as you can see, Big Brother, I am very much in my element.”
Big Brother then asked: “Have you received any assistance?” to which he retorted: “Of course not Big Brother, this is a natural flow of character here.”
He then added: “Oh Big Brother, what is the one about right here, I quite like it.”
Twitter obviously exploded, with one user posting: “Oh @CalumBest. You’ve got me all hot and flustered in that outfit tonight #CBB.”

Another wrote: “Choked on me food cos of the way @CalumBest was sat in the diary room chair.”
Another added: “Well last time he did say he’s hung like a horse in the house @CalumBest #CBB”
It’s really no bloody wonder that LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD is in love with Calum Best, particularly in the house.
(Sidenote: Chloe Ferry trying and failing to come into him is ALL of us and we love her).
Gold member of the Calum fan club, Jessica from The Apprentice, is kinda-sorta-maybe dating Courtney Wood, also from The Apprentice, but he earlier tweeted that it's so fine she's flirting, due to the fact it's actual Calum Best. But now he seems a bit pissed off about the idea.

We'd flirt with Calum Best even if we were married with four kids and had been offered the sum of £300,000 not to flirt with Calum Best.
He's Calum bloody Best.