Every now and again, we suddenly remember that The OC exists and subsequently spend the next few days having the absolute time of our lives re-watching all the boxsets.
It's the most fun it's possible to have, we think.
The show ended in 2007 after they tried and failed to keep it a thing after Marissa Cooper's death, and we've been pining for it ever since.
So imagine our delight when we saw Summer Roberts (Rachel Bilson) had reunited with Luke Ward (Chris Carmack) on the set of Nashville.
Our teenage selves are screaming with delight right now.
Rachel uploaded a pic of them to Instagram with the caption: "welcome to Nashvilee B**** …… this is how it's done in Tennessee @realcarmack #propergreeting #nashvillecmt"
Charlotte Crosby and Stephen Bear just took a massive step in their relationship
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