Oops! Emma Willis suffers embarrassing nip slip on Celebrity Big Brother launch night

Not really what you want on national television...


by Owen Tonks |
Published on

Ah, the world of television – it’s full of beautiful, glamorous people who get paid buckets of cash for talking down a camera - and they get fame and adoration for doing so, too.

One of the perks of the job is getting clothing budgets and being dressed by talented designers.

But sometimes things can go wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong.

And Emma Willis found herself in one of these situations during the launch of Celebrity Big Brother on Wednesday night.

The show’s host suffered an embarrassing nip slip as she walked down the runway outside the Big Brother house in front of the cameras and a large crowd. Awks.


She wore a pair of black leggings and a see-through black top under a black jacket but failed to wear a bra on the evening.

Obviously in a state of extreme excitement, Emma pointed her fingers and waved her arms around in the air like some kind of television presenting helicopter which was always going to lead to disaster – her nipple repeatedly made an appearance through her see-through top.

The series got off to a good start with motormouth Katie Hopkins going in first when she was given the task of choosing the first two people to face the public vote.

Not knowing that it was Katie who chose them, former Ex On The Beach contestant Chloe Goodman and American R&B singer Alexander O’Neal are up for the first eviction.

GALLERY: Celebrity Big Brother official line-up


Celebrity Big Brother January 2015 official line-up

Alexander O'Neal1 of 61

Alexander O'Neal

Alexander O'Neal2 of 61

Alexander O'Neal

Alexander O'Neal3 of 61

Alexander O'Neal

Alicia Douvall4 of 61

Alicia Douvall

Alicia Douvall5 of 61

Alicia Douvall

Alicia Douvall6 of 61

Alicia Douvall

Calum Best7 of 61

Calum Best

Calum Best8 of 61

Calum Best

Calum Best9 of 61

Calum Best

Camila 'Cami Li' Figueras10 of 61

Camila 'Cami Li' Figueras

Camila 'Cami Li' Figueras11 of 61

Camila 'Cami Li' Figueras

Camila 'Cami Li' Figueras12 of 61

Camila 'Cami Li' Figueras

Chloe Goodman13 of 61

Chloe Goodman

Chloe Goodman14 of 61

Chloe Goodman

Chloe Goodman15 of 61

Chloe Goodman

Jeremy Jackson16 of 61

Jeremy Jackson

Jeremy Jackson17 of 61

Jeremy Jackson

Jeremy Jackson18 of 61

Jeremy Jackson

Katie Hopkins19 of 61

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins20 of 61

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins21 of 61

Katie Hopkins

Patsy Kensit22 of 61

Patsy Kensit

Patsy Kensit23 of 61

Patsy Kensit

Patsy Kensit24 of 61

Patsy Kensit

Kavana25 of 61


Kavana26 of 61


Kavana27 of 61


Keith Chegwin28 of 61

Keith Chegwin

Keith Chegwin29 of 61

Keith Chegwin

Keith Chegwin30 of 61

Keith Chegwin

Ken Morley31 of 61

Ken Morley

Ken Morley32 of 61

Ken Morley

Ken Morley33 of 61

Ken Morley

Michelle Visage34 of 61

Michelle Visage

Michelle Visage35 of 61

Michelle Visage

Michelle Visage36 of 61

Michelle Visage

Nadia Sawalha37 of 61

Nadia Sawalha

Nadia Sawlha38 of 61

Nadia Sawlha

Nadia Sawalha39 of 61

Nadia Sawalha

Perez Hilton40 of 61

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton41 of 61

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton42 of 61

Perez Hilton

Alexander O'Neal43 of 61

Alexander O'Neal

Alicia Douvall44 of 61

Alicia Douvall

Calum Best45 of 61

Calum Best

Camila 'Cami Li' Figueras46 of 61

Camila 'Cami Li' Figueras

Chloe Goodman47 of 61

Chloe Goodman

Jeremy Jackson48 of 61

Jeremy Jackson

Katie Hopkins49 of 61

Katie Hopkins

Kavana50 of 61


Keith Chegwin51 of 61

Keith Chegwin

Ken Morley52 of 61

Ken Morley

Michelle Visage53 of 61

Michelle Visage

Nadia Sawalha54 of 61

Nadia Sawalha

Patsy Kensit55 of 61

Patsy Kensit

Perez Hilton56 of 61

Perez Hilton

Katie Price57 of 61

Katie Price

CBB_KatieP158 of 61


CBB_KatieP359 of 61


CBB_KatieP460 of 61


CBB_KatieP61 of 61


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