Ricky Gervais’ opening speech for Golden Globes was as offensively brilliant as we expected

This is the fourth time he’s hosted, so why was everyone surprised?

Ricky Gervais

by Francesca Battson |
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Ricky Gervais made his Golden Globes return to host the awards ceremony on Sunday night, and was of course, not going to hold back on his jokes.

After presenting the show three years in a row in 2010, 2011 and 2012, the world was shocked each year with his offensive gags. So you would have thought everyone was prepared for his comeback, right?

Apparently not.

To be fair, Ricky went straight into his opening speech calling the audience “disgusting, pill-popping, sexual, deviant scum,” which is quite harsh. But this is Ricky Gervais we’re talking about here!


Trying to win the crowd round, Ricky mentioned that he’s “changed”. But then compared his change to that of Caitlyn Jenner’s. Awks…

He also revealed that he has three Golden Globes himself, which he uses in various ways: “One’s a doorstop, one I use to hit burglars with and one I keep by the bed to, doesn’t matter why, it’s mine.”

One person that did react pretty well to one of Ricky’s jokes however, was Jennifer Lawrence when he said: “Jennifer Lawrence made the news when she demanded equal pay for women and she received overwhelming support from people everywhere. There were marches on the street with nurses and factory workers demanding ‘how the hell can a 25 year old live on 52million?’”

J-Law didn’t react too well to this guy though…

There were a few faces in the crowd that didn’t find Ricky funny, but there were also a fair few trying to hide their laughter.

Just face it guys, even if some of the jokes were a bit offensive, he was quite funny and it would’ve been boring without him!

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