Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion turns 20 today, and as well as being one of the few films we still own on VHS (we need a clear out, tbh), sometimes we genuinely think it played a key and focal role in preparing us for adulthood.
YES, we are a mess. But no regratz.
Life Lesson #1 Things always gets better – just look at Justin Theroux

‘WOT?’ we hear you cry. ‘What on earth does Jennifer Aniston’s FITLORD husband have to do with Romy and Michele?
Prepare for the shock of your lives.
Justin Theroux played the cowboy.
‘Wait, WHAT? The mysterious smoking cowboy who ended up hooking up with Heather Mooney?’
Yes, that one. He started off as a weird guy in a weird film dressed as a weird cowboy for no apparent reason, and now look at him. Transformation vibes.
Life Lesson #2 Be more Heather Mooney

Heather Mooney was, objectively, the most important character in the film. While it took Romy and Michele until the final few scenes to not GAF about anyone and be themselves, Heather knew it all along.
She was the original Janis Ian from Mean Girls, stood up to the aforementioned cowboy when he was hanging around her being a bit creepy, and just generally did not give a shit about anyone’s shit.
And her tendency to act a bit mad around the guy she had a crush on (Alan Cumming’s character lol) was very relatable.
Life Lesson #3 It’s totally fine you don’t have 399452 friends

Why is it that at school, if your weekend plans didn’t include at least 15 friends, you needed to buck up your ideas? Hanging out with that many people was just so impractical and boring.
Romy and Michele, basically only having each other (then Heather) had the right idea.
Life Lesson #4 Wear what the f*ck you like

Sometimes in life you just need to be daring and try out that weird new fluorescent dress you bought in the upstairs bit of Urban Outfitters, and maybe wear it with that definitely ironic hat you tried at that festival last summer and all your friends laughed.
You do you, hun.
Life Lesson #5 Go against the tide

Romy and Michele were SO MUCH MORE LIKEABLE than those boring girls in that boring clique. And got a much happier ending when they were flown off in Alan Cummings’s helicopter. Real life is definitely without doubt 100% exactly like that.
Life Lesson #6 If you’re gonna lie, do it well

We thought pretending to invent Post-its was pretty fool-proof, tbh, but it didn’t end well.
Life Lesson #7 Chokers are always a good idea

Not sure if you have the guts to wear that diamante choker you bought in Miss Selfridge last week? LOOK HOW LIT MICHELE LOOKS, PUT THAT CHOKER ON.
Life Lesson #8 When in doubt, have a dance

Romy and Michele changed the meaning of Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper FOREVER, and we have to stop ourselves from doing an expressive dance every time it comes on.
Life Lesson #9 Stay away from Heather’s bikini area

Um… Okay…