Scarlett Moffatt: Her BESTEST I’m a Celeb quotes ever

Bow down

Scarlett Moffatt

by Aimee Jakes |
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Scarlett Moffatt is now officially QUEEN of the I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here jungle. What made it more beautiful is 1) She was so choked with happiness, she looked like she was going to combust into tiny bits of smiles and joy 2) She has been watching since she was TEN YEARS OLD 3) Scarlett won for her weird, yet refreshingly relatable outlook in life.

There is hope for all you weirdos after all! JK JK JK. Well sort of a joke, sorta real-life honesty hour at heat because being weird is cool, okay. Shout it out your bedroom window now.

Here is the winner and all round people's champion Scarlett Moffatt's most memorable quotes from the jungle. There are 18 of them so sit back and enjoy...

On finding a suitable partner

‘Basically I need to date someone who does nightshifts like a nurse, or Batman or strippers.

When Scarlett realised she had made it

'I remember sitting next to Carol Vorderman, laughing about how the trial was called The Big Bush Bake Off and I couldn’t stop laughing as she sat there eating turkey testicles and I thought, this is my life.'

On bravery

‘I said id never try quinoa and I did!’

Why Larry Lamb is so great

'Larry is the expert in everything, from politics to pooing, Larry knows it all.’

On her lucky rituals

'Fingers crossed, toes crossed and eyeballs crossed I’m going to be good enough.'

On eating crocodile feet for supper

'I can’t believe I’ve gone from beans on toast to croc feet, I’ve genuinely never cooked anything I could high five.'

On the London Underground

'To be fair the underground isn’t my favourite place because it is usually just full of people moaning and pushing into you and people with really big rucksacks.'

On Ola's poo

Emerging from the dunny Scarlett: ‘Oh it smells nice in there.’

Ola: ’Does it? I’ve just done a poo.’

Scarlett ‘I feel so embarrassed but it smells really nice – do you poo butterflies Ola?’

Scarlett Moffatt

After a Dingo Dollar Challenge

'I’ve always been a massive fan of Indiana Jones and I felt like I was in a live version of it.'

Whilst covered in gunge

‘When I was a kid, I used to love watching people on the TV get gunged and I thought that looks so much fun. Now I realise that it is not fun because I’m literally like a 5ft stick of candy rock.’

Scarlett Moffatt

On directions

'I’ve got to be honest, I’m not very good with directions, my nickname of old is Sat Nav Scarlett because I once stepped out of work out the back door rather than the front door, got disoriented and I had to call a taxi to get me home.'

Scarlett Moffatt

On Wayne throwing his swiss balls

'No-one wants to wake up with a ball in their face especially not off Wayne Bridge’

On whether aliens exist or not

‘My middle name is actually Sigourney, I’m named after me Dad’s favourite movie which is Alien, named after the actress Sigourney Weaver who gives birth to an alien, I was born to believe in aliens really.’

When trying to frisbee a hat onto eachtothers head

‘They said it couldn’t be done. That’s what they said about Chicken Kiev and it happened.’

scarlett moffatt

When being emosh

‘I am living the 90s childhood dream. I just feel really overwhelmed. I’m with like Baker and Vorderman.I literally watch telly for a living.‘

How important winning is to her

‘As a kid, this will come as a surprise to you, I’ve always been a bit weird and I wasn’t accepted in a lot of social groups so I feel that if I won I would be showing my little sister that it doesn’t matter you can just be you.'

On time travel

‘In order to travel back in time we have to go faster than the speed of light. The speed of light is like 319 and then loads of numbers, it’s exactly the same latitude point as the tip of the great Pyramid. So I think the pyramids are from the future, I think someone from the future realised we would need them and went back in time and built them.’

And finally!

'Go in the jungle they said, it'll be fun it said!'

LITERALLY WHAT R WE GONNA DO NOW. We miss you already, Scar babes.

Check out all Joel's witty one-liners here or see why Scarlett Moffatt is on her way to make a cool one million squid.

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