The X factor live shows finally started this weekend, and we were delivered not one, but TWO programmes of singing as the acts were spread across the weekend.
Last night, it was the turn of Nicole Scherzinger’s overs and Simon Cowell’s groups (Alesha Dixon was standing in for Simon as he suffered a fall on Friday and was forced to pull out).
Towards the end of the show, just before the results were revealed, Dermot asked the judges which of the acts they think deserved to go through.
Sharon, who isn’t famed for being on the ball with the names of contestants (remember when she forgot her own act’s name last year?), said she was rooting for ‘katsu’.

TBH, we were craving a Wagamama Katsu last night as well, Sharon.
After Nicole informed her Katsu is a dish, Sharon said: “I like Ratsu”.
She obviously meant to say Raksu, but Twitter pretty much exploded at the gaffe.