Things KICKED OFF between CBB’s Lewis Bloor and Heavy D last night

This house needs to calm the f*ck down

Celebrity Big Brother

by Polly Foreman |
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We’ve witnessed many a silly fight in the Celebrity Big Brother house, but this one was literally over HALF A BOTTLE OF WINE.

C’mon guys.

It all started when Heavy D came booming over to Lewis Bloor and Marnie Simpson while they were sat on their own enjoying a nice evening drink in the kitchen.

Celebrity Big Brother

To cut a long story short, Heavy was trying to have some of the booze they’d taken, and they were pretty pissed off about it.

Celebrity Big Brother

So later on by the pool, the boys started coming to blows – exchanging insults insults like Lewis saying he’d shoot himself if he were Heavy D. Cute.

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Heavy was asking Lewis and Marnie if they’d had extra beer, and Lewis said: “She’s is wheat intolerant and you are a greedy bastard.”

Lewis asked a slightly slurring Heavy D to swear on his mother’s life (mature) that he hadn’t had an extra drink. He did, and he had. So Lewis got REALLY MAD.

“You f*cking scumbag you lied on your mother’s life.”

Err, Lewis… You do know that doesn’t actually mean anything?

Things were getting reaaally heated, then Heavy then came out another playground insult: “You’ve got the personality of a f*cking lettuce leaf.” Classic.

All hell broke loose, and Lewis jumped out the pool and started advancing toward Heavy.

Celebrity Big Brother

For once, Stephen Bear actually tried to help the situation, and said to his pal: “You’re better than that,” while trying to lead him away.

Celebrity Big Brother

After a great deal of bickering and booming, Big Brother got involved and called Heavy to the Diary Room, where he said: "He’s been digging me out all night… maybe he feels threatened by my personality and my likeability."

Celebrity Big Brother

Err, we think you may be slightly over-estimating yourself there, Heavy. Labeling yourself likeable after your behaviour toward Chloe Khan is a leeetle optimistic.

Lewis later in the Diary Room: "He’s a wind up…he is a stupid geeza… I felt sorry for him.

“I wanted to show Marnie that I cared… and that I would at least stand up and confront the situation...I will not let another man stand there and say things to her that are just bullshit.”

Very gallant of ya, Lewis.

James Whale said of the situation: “Why can’t everyone just refuse to be wound up?”

Celebrity Big Brother

We think you may have just solved ALL THE WORLD’S PROBLEMS, James. Well done.

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