#TOWIE bad boy Jake Hall puts jealousy issues aside admitting ‘it’s time to grow up’

They’ve come to blows more fingers than we can count in the last few weeks.

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by Maria Vallahis |
Published on

Jake Hall’s relationship with Chloe Lewis is in complete turmoil - seemingly all the time - at the moment. Now the bad boy of Essex is trying to change the error of his ways.

In last night's episode, during a run through the forest with Lewis Bloor, Jake admits he's keeping extra fit in a bid to ‘de-stress’ and ‘clear his head’ from the situation.

Lewis in turn offers some words of wisdom by commenting on his pal’s situation: “It’s so difficult watching you guys go back and forth.

“You’re so fiercely in love with each other but you’re both constantly upset about s*** all the time.” Well observed, Lew.


Later on Lydia Bright, James Argent, Georgia Kousoulou and Dan Edgar gathered to discuss their support for the couple and provided ideas on how they could help their friends.

James and Dan admitted they have always backed their buddy Jake through the arguments.

However James also offered an olive branch of sympathy for Chloe when he told the group that Jake must learn to trust Chloe.

James delievering some home truths to Jake.

James then – reluctant at first to do so - paid Jake a visit to deliever him some home truths on his on-off, seven-year relationship.

“All the lads, even Lydia, they all love you, they think you're a proper nice guy but recently it's been almost impossible me sort of trying to stick up for you,” he told him. “People see this side of you at the moment that ain't you.”

He added: “Surely you must know after seven years how much that girl loves you.”

Before telling James that he wants to change, Jake claims he’s “one of the boys” and it’s hard for him to be ‘so emotional and affectionate all the time’.

James, aka Arg, asked Jake: “From what I know of Chloe, she's got the perception of being a good, loyal girlfriend, have you got full trust in her?”

When Jake replied with a straight answered ‘yes’, James continued to push with: "Then why does it wind you up so much?"

“I know what other geezers are like,” responded Jake.

“You can go to after-parties but if she so much as says hello to another person you go absolutely ballistic, it can't be one rule for one and another rule for another. Your views seem a bit out-dated.”

Jake seemed to agree, telling his friend: “It's time for me to grow up.”

Arg settled that one then, well done.

Lewis and Pete try to "patch" things up.

In other TOWIE news…

Over breakfast Georgia spoke to boyfriend Tommy Mallet and Billie Faiers about her clash with Ferne McCann: “So much negativity, Ferne just went in on me. There's no reason for Ferne to slag me off.”

While Ferne said: “Georgia proved she's not a doormat. She left and I was quite upset, but I'm taking credit for her standing up for herself.”

Elsewhere a lot of "patching up" seemed to be happening: Lauren Pope with Jessica Wright and Lewis with Pete 'the pirate' Wicks.

We're left still feeling unsure sure if either pairs are friends at the moment.

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