TOWIE’s Ricky Rayment quits Twitter after getting slated for sexting another woman

Girlfriend Jess Wright dumped him after he 'fessed up to the crimes on last night’s episode of the show


by Gwendolyn Smith |
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Ricky Rayment has left Twitter after receiving abuse for messaging another woman behind his girlfriend, Jess Wright’s, back.

The raffish Essex boy abruptly announced he was leaving the social media site today.

Bye Ricky.

The couple split up on last night’s show in an explosive fashion when Jess confronted Ricky at Jasmin Walia’s Diwali party.

Although he initially denied it, Ricky finally came clean about his misdemeanour.

“I haven’t been in a good place with you, so I have been flirting with other girls,” he confessed.

She raged back: "If you thought our relationship was in a s*** place then, it’s in an even worse one now because we’re done – Forever! Stay the f*** away from me.”

It’s rumoured that the mystery messengee was Lydia Lucy, who’s famous for being rejected on X Factor. She and Ricky met at a party last month.

Jess was clearly still upset when the show aired last night.

Still, Ricky’s co-star Mario Falcone has lurched to his defence, saying that Ricky had been “low” and “in need of attention” while going through a “bad patch” in the relationship.

And proving that a screaming showdown doesn’t always mean curtains, he went on to predict that the couple might get back together in the future. Maybe if Ricky stays off Twitter for good, that is…

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