The news you've been waiting for since the first adaptation finished in 2001 is FINALLY HERE.
The Worst Witch is returning to our screens.
It may be a remake of our favourite programme from when we were children and still aimed at children, but we will DEFINITELY BE WATCHING IT when it comes out later this year.
This is because it's arguably the best TV series ever made and Mildred Hubble remains our number one life inspiration. Here's why.
1) She has terrible luck in every way
Judging from the way our year is going so far (yesterday we spilled an entire cup of tea down our new white top), we're pretty sure if we were at Cackle's Academy (we wish lol), they'd run out of black cats at our Cat Ceremony too.
2) We ALL have an Ethel in our lives
Can’t think of an Ethel in your life? Then you're probably the Ethel in someone else's and should stop reading this immediately.

3) She fails at the most basic of tasks
OF COURSE that absolute bitch Ethel managed to not only score a perfect black cat at the cat ceremony, but also get her to PERFECTLY balance at the end of her broomstick.
Bloody Ethel.
Poor old Mildred only managed to wangle a scared-looking Tabby cat (see above), who was absolutely terrible at balancing on her broom.
4) Physical Education isn't her strong point
Everyone knows that all you to do is tap the broom once and tell them to hover, but somehow Mildred STILL managed to mess it up (classic Mildred).
(Sidenote: Does anyone else kinda think it's weird that they were all in classic witchy gear but Miss Drill would just be in Ellesse tracksuit bottoms?)

AND OF COURSE Ethel managed to stand on her broom perfectly on the first go.
5) But her squad are absolutely on point
Maud's impassioned speech about Mildred being scared of heights to Miss Hardbroom during the flying aptitude test when they had to take a clove of garlic through a tunnel of doom (this show was SO weird) was perhaps our first ever experience of #FriendshipGoals.
6) She falls for silly Instagrammy detox fads
"Mildred here wants to know if you can make a drink out of flowers"
7) She enjoys taking the piss out of her friends
We, like Mildred, quite literally can’t think of anything worse than sitting through a chanting lesson. But hers was made better when Enid (NANCY FROM HOLLYOAKS!) sang a very out of tune rendition Eye of Toad.
8) She has mixed emotions about Nancy from Hollyoaks
Mildred and Enid start off as enemies, but later become friends over a massive slice of cake.
We, too, at first aren't entirely sure about the character Nancy from Hollyoaks – But then she has been in Hollyoaks for a very long time, so we feel loyal.

9) She's partial to a spot of late night eating
"Pizza. My favourite."
Mildred's midnight trip to the kitchen to cast a spell on a block of cheese to change it into a pizza for four with everything on it is slightly different to our late night eating sessions for two reasons.
One – we fear the judging eyes of our housemates rather than Miss Hardbroom's.
Two – We'd prob just take the block of cheese and gnaw on it in bed, TBH.
10) She's easily led astray
Mildred being dragged into a cupboard by Enid just after insisting "for the next hour I'm going to do what I'm told" is hauntingly reminiscent of us stumbling home at 3am last Saturday night despite insisting we were only staying for one.
11) The title of this video sums up our entire lives, TBH
12) And this one
13) She's terrible at thinking on her feet
This is obviously an extremely hypothetical situation, but if we'd accidentally stumbled into our enemy's violin solo on a broomstick with Nancy from Hollyoaks covered in food, we'd probably panic and do a weird expressive performance for the whole school too.
14) She absolutely doesn't appreciate being woken up
Again – very hypothetical, but imagine being woken up from a lovely nap to be told that the whole school was talking about you, and Miss Cackle wants you immediately at a meeting in the great hall. Absolute nightmare.
15) She has our exact face when looking at a slice of cake

That cake does look wonderful, tbf.
16) Sometimes she just has to say "f*ck it" and give up with everything
(Spoiler: She does)
17) She might be a bit of a disaster, but she's usually alright in the end
We're still waiting for the day Miss Cackle declares a half holiday because we saved the school (or similar).
The Worst Witch is CBBC on Wednesdays at 4.30pm. Click here to watch the first episode on iPlayer