Stick the kettle on. Pull up a chair. Take a deep breath. Now consider: doesn't X Factor's Luke Friendlook a lot like Kimberley Walsh? What's going on there? Has anyone ever seen them in the same room?
Luckily we're not the only ones to have spotted this weird likeness, as the lovely Lorraine Kelly posed the same question to Louis Walsh this morning on the Daybreak sofa.
Louis asked the presenter who she thought Luke looks like. "Have you had this before, because I thought Kimberley Walsh?" she asked.
"Yes! Yes!" hooted Louis, going into paroxysms of hilarity. "It's funny and Kimberley is a really nice girl, absolutely gorgeous girl."

Turns out Luke actually went to Kimberley's school. Are you sure you're not a blonde, female member of one of the most famous Noughties girl bands, Luke? We must be told.
Other stuff that happened on Daybreak was Louis telling the world that Sam Callahanis a "total poser", but in a good way, and apparently keeps threatening to cut Luke's hair off while he sleeps. Again, in a good way. Probably.
"See that's one of the threats we play in the house... if he keeps messing about and that we're just going to take a razor to his hair in the night," said Sam, while throwing Luke a triumphant sideways look. Luke, meanwhile, cowered in terror and tried calming himself by strumming an imaginary acoustic guitar.
Louis reckons he's picked a really strong team to win the coveted X Factor trophy and tiara set this year (NOTE TO SUBS – there is an X Factor trophy and tiara, right? Can we mock up a picture of Louis Walsh wearing a tiara anyway?), but semi regrets not holding on to Paul Akister.
"I love Paul but do you know what, I want Paul to come back next year… I really, really do," he Walshed.
"I think he's amazing, I think he's vocally incredible, world class, but he needs to work on everything else and I think next year he'll be incredible."
Is that…? Did Louis Walsh just confirm he'll be back for X Factor 2014?