Your questions on gut health answered. Here’s how a happy gut is the key to feeling good

We teamed up with gut experts Yakult and learned small things can make a big difference.


by Louise Bennett |
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Let’s talk gut health! I’m Louise Bennett, Head of Lifestyle Content at Bauer Media and also a level 3 qualified personal trainer, and I’m going to be answering your top questions around gut health, in partnership with Yakult.

Looking after your gut is key for your overall wellbeing.  So, making sure that you create good lifestyle habits can ensure that all those lovely gut microbes are getting everything they need to make you feel good on the inside and the outside. So, let’s get down to the nitty gritty.


What is the best way to have a healthy gut on a budget?

This is a great question, and the good news is that you don’t have to spend much to ensure that your gut is living its best VIP life. Simple hacks like getting outside in nature will do wonders for your mind.  It can help reduce your stress levels, which is also great for your gut So why not try e going for a walk after you’ve wolfed down your lunchtime meal deal to aid  your digestion.

Staying hydrated is essential for keeping everything gut-related running smoothly, from keeping your bowel functions tip top, to reducing inflammation. So, grab a reusable water bottle and sip throughout the day!

And finally, sleep. Making sure you’re getting quality sleep and rest each night to keep your gut working smoothly. Your gut bugs actually have their own circadian rhythm. So, any disruption to your circadian rhythm can affect the balance of bacteria in your gut. To support health gut function, make sure you’re winding down and getting yourself to bed at a regular time each night.

And the best bit is, all three are absolutely free!


What is the best breakfast for your gut?

Your gut has a big job to do, not only does it convert the energy stored in our food, but it also houses a huge part of our immune system. So, it’s important we feed it well.

Making sure you have a solid morning routine is a great way to kickstart your day. Your gut bacteria thrive off a balanced diet with plenty of fibre, protein and healthy fats. Why not try a smoothie loaded with fruit and chia seeds, overnight oats with grated or even shakshuka with eggs, tomatoes and healthy greens.

You can also grab a delicious bottle of Yakult Plus Peach which is packed with Vitamin C to support your immunity and help lower fatigue, Plus 20 billion of Yakult’s friendly bacteria. Yum!

How can exercise help me to have a healthy gut?

Whilst we all know that exercise is great for our mental and physical health, did you know that it can also be really beneficial for your gut too?  The good news is that studies show that just 30 minutes of moderate exercise a few times a week can help to increase the diversity of the bacteria in your gut. As with most things, consistency is key. Working out three to four times a week and incorporating both weight-bearing exercises and movements which will get your heart rate up, over a period of weeks will see your gut and your guns thrive.


How will reducing stress help my gut health?

 High stress levels can actually change the composition of your gut microbiota. We’re learning more and more about the relationship between our gut and our brain. The gut is in constant communication with your brain, so it’s kind of a big deal! A happy mind means a happy gut, so if you feel like you’re getting frazzled, it’s so important to take a time out to reset and destress. Read a book, put on your favourite song and have a dance around the kitchen, or give someone you love a big hug.

Yakult have been the experts in gut health for over 85 years. To find out more visit

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