We love a bit of self-care and all this time at home has really given us an excuse to look after ourselves inside and out. Each week, we'll be asking the celeb lot to share their Sunday self-care routines, because taking care of yourself is more important than ever.
This week, it's all about Emily Miller, a model from London who is best known for being absolutely hilarious on season two of Netflix's Too Hot To Handle. No, seriously, we need to be BFFs immediately. She coupled up with Cam Holmes right at the start and the pair have been #relationshipgoals ever since.
Emily chats exclusively to heat about wellness habits, skincare favourites and the best advice she's ever been given...
Hey Emily! So, what does your ultimate self-care Sunday look like?

It's actually really funny because every self-care day starts the same. I wake up and think, 'today's the day that I give my body all this health and goodness' and it does start off like that. I'll have to have a lemon ginger tea in the morning, whether I'm hungover or not, it makes me feel 10x better. I'll then have a nutritional breakfast, it could be eggs or yoghurt or whatever. Then I'll always, always, always make time to do my yoga. Before the show, I was so into my yoga but now I either don't have time to do it or am not in the right headspace. So on a self-care Sunday it's a must.
The day starts off really good and then it gets to early evening and me and Cam are like, "F-k it, shall we get a takeaway?" We always say it's all about balance. We either get a Chinese or an Indian and then that is followed by our bathtub club, which is essentially us in a bath chilling with a glass of wine for about an hour or two. Oh, and my dog Twix will pop his head over as well!
Then it's skincare time. I will do my usual cleansing and then always treat myself to a face mask. I get sent PR packages quite a lot so I'm really fortunate to be able to try out different face masks.
What are the current skincare products you always recommend to friends?
I've actually started vowing to myself I'd only use products now that are animal cruelty-free. I was using La Roche Posay which I found out was owned by L'Oreal who test on animals so once I've used my bottle up, I'm going to find something else.
NIP+FAB sent me a PR package coincidentally and they are cruelty-free. I'm using the hydration collection at the moment and it's so good, especially in the heat whilst I'm in Morocco. I've been raving about that.
I didn't actually start cleansing my skin until I was 21. I feel like kids growing up now are really into their skincare which is great and I definitely wish I had been back then. This is why I have to have botox and fillers now! [laughs]
On Too Hot To Handle, you looked incredible! Which make-up bits do you swear by?

I'll let you in on a little secret - before the show aired and I had to do photoshoots and things like that - I never owned a foundation. I never wore foundation once in that villa. All I was wearing was Bare Minerals powder, it's been my base for years and I've actually gone back to using that again recently. I have really oily skin and I just hate foundation on myself.
I remember in the villa, the girls would take hours getting ready and I would be done in ten minutes. I wish I could give a better make-up tip, but it's all about happiness and glowing from the inside out.
Is it weird being recognised since leaving THTH? Do you ever watch yourself back?
I love watching the show back, I watch it all the time. There will even be days like recently where I am just bored so I'll randomly just stick it on. Cam is always like, 'What the hell are you doing?' and I'm like, 'I'm just going to watch it again, I like it!'
Being recognised, I absolutely love it. I always make time for everyone. Even in Morocco, we get recognised by the locals and it's just so nice. We wouldn't be here today without them.
What are your daily wellness habits?

Definitely not the gym, I don't think I've ever stepped foot in one, but I'm trying to do yoga at least once a week at the moment. Supplement-wise, I always take B3 because I don't eat meat. I also take vitamin C, vitamin D and daily probiotics.
I'm also addicted to green tea. I have to have like six cups a day otherwise I will die. It has to be really good quality tea bags, you know when you can see the leaves and not just power? My favourite is the Teapigs Mao Feng Green Tea Bags .
Do you have any podcast or book recommendations?
I don't read and I wish I did, I'll be the first person to admit that. Podcast-wise, I love GKBarry's Saving Grace podcast, she is the funniest person I've ever met. I was a guest on one of the episodes, too.
Do you have any sleep rituals?
I'm either out like a light or having to scroll TikTok for at least half an hour to send me off. It's actually so funny you mention this because last night Cam got the hotel to decorate the room with rose petals, a warm bath and champagne. Bearing in mind though, I was so tired I was falling asleep at the dinner table. So when we came in, he went to the bathroom to make the bath warmer and I was like, 'Oh, this is nice, I'm just going to lie down for a bit...' I was sparko! The next thing I know, I woke up this morning and he's not talking to me today...
What's the best advice you've ever been given?
I think the best advice I had recently from my friends and family is to start making it clear what I stand for. I don't want to be known as Emily from Too Hot To Handle, I want to start making my own path. I'm really passionate about animals and that is the route I want to go down. I need to believe in myself. One day I would love my own animal sanctuary abroad!
I remember years ago when I was in Turkey, I wanted to open my sanctuary because of the number of stray dogs and cats I would find. I'd steal food from the hotel and just spend my days feeding them and cuddling them. Ever since that moment, every country I go to. I make a mission to just go find all the stray animals and just give them a bit of love.
I don't know if you've noticed, but on my Instagram page, I've stopped doing so many ads. I don't do fast fashion anymore because that's just not where I want to be. I'm just making the right choices for who I am and what I believe in.
Quickfire round:
What show are you currently watching? Below Deck!
How do you like your cuppa? Either a green tea or a normal tea with oat milk or almond milk and a squirt of honey.
Go-to loungewear brand? Lounge. It's one of the brands I continue to work with and it's all recycled and fairtrade.
Favourite face mask? The last one I bought was from Glamglow.
Go-to takeaway order? Oh my god, it's Chinese! So a little secret, even though I'm vegetarian I can't resist sometimes getting a bit of lemon chicken. My order is lemon chicken, Singapore rice noodles, seaweed and egg-fried rice. Delicious.
Favourite candle? My favourite hobby is going into TK Maxx and just sniffing them all until I find one that I like!