We've nearly spent a whole year inside and it's doing weird stuff to us. We have forgotten what it feels like to wear an underwirebra, socialise and hear the beautiful words, "Can I please see your boarding pass?"
We practically don't recognise pre-covid us, tbqh.
One person we definitely almost didn't recognise is Olivia Bowen,who just debuted a brand new hair colour and we are absolutely living for it.
The Love Islander turned influencing queen shared that she has dyed her own hair ORANGE and it's, quite-frankly, peak lockdown.
Olivia Bowen used the Shrine Peach Hair Dye - Drop It Kit, which is currently just £12.99.
She wrote in the caption, "No hairdresser, no problem! Having a little peach moment with my faves @shrine. The easiest hair colour ever, this was 6 drops of peach in conditioner, left on for ten mins & voila - everything is PEACHY 🍑 #ad #shrinedropit #peachhair"
We are low-key obsessed RN.
Olivia also shared the dye process on her Instagram stories and it's so easy, even you could do it.

She said on hair colour brand Shrine, "I've used lots of their colours, I think I've actually put every colour they do on my hair."
"It's such an easy one to use, because you can put it in and then it washes out after a few washes.
"You can sort of experiment with how many drops you put in, you can see by the box depending on how many drops you put in depends on the colour. I'm going to give it a go and put three in [with the conditioner] and see how I get on."
Olivia ends up adding more drops making it six, creating a gorgeous pastel colour.
SHOP NOW: The peach hair dye loved by Olivia Bowen
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Now! More news!
Alex and Olivia Bowen talk skincare, lockdown dates and their top picks from Lovehoney
Olivia Bowen shares genius £3.99 trick for hiding grown-out roots
The 'glowy' fake tan Zara McDermott uses is currently on sale and wowza
Surprising Lockdown 3.0 trends:
Little Moons: the Mochi dessert which is essentially little balls of ice cream wrapped in a sweet rice dough. The flavours are GOOD (think passion fruit to cookie dough) and they're just 69 calories per ball. TikTok is going WILD for them. Try them now and thank us later.
The TikTok tortilla wrap: old us would have attempted a sort of 'rolled up sausage' for our lunchtime wrap, but now it's all about cutting a line to the centre and folding it in quarters. Honestly, our minds are still blown.
Bridgerton: the Netflix series which is a glorious mix between Downton Abbey and Gossip girl has got us all dreaming of summer soirees, Regé-Jean Page and wearing corsets post-lockdown.