8 of the best Amazon Easter eggs for any self-proclaimed chocoholic

Treat yo'self x

easter eggs

by Lily Anderson |
Updated on

We don't know about you, but we love an Easter egg hunt. Yes, we might not be children anymore, but we still want someone to hide chocolate around the house for us to find.

Whether you're setting up your own scavenger hunt, or looking for a tasty snack or a treat for your loved ones, we've found the best Easter eggs on Amazon that you won't be able to resist.


We guarantee you won’t be able to turn down these Easter eggs on Amazon because they're totally better than the range you'll find at your local supermarket.

Plus, this way you can get all the chocolate you want, delivered to your door without any judging eyes from shoppers peeking into your basket.

When is Easter this year?

If you're waiting until Easter to gorge on your favourite chocolate treat, then you'll have to wait until Sunday 31 March. But, it's never too early for Cadbury Creme Egg, we would argue.

SHOP: The best Easter eggs on Amazon to buy now

Who doesn't love Lindt chocolate? We would definitely recommend snapping this one up for Easter.

Cadbury's knows how to make an Easter treat for anyone and everyone. This bundle features Mini Eggs, Freddo, and white button-themed eggs.

A classic Cadbury staple paired with a hollow chocolate egg, perfect for a snack while watching TV.

Galaxy Minstrels Easter Eggamazon
Price: $14.95

An Easter treat that is deliciously more-ish, Galaxy have really hit the mark with this Minstrels Easter Egg for 2024.

Maltesers Teasers Easter EggAMAZON
Price: $24.99

A delicious treat for your Easter Sunday. We suggest eating this with a cup of tea.

Thorntons Unicorn Eggamazon
Price: $18.99

A unicorn Easter egg is a perfect addition to any little one's Easter Egg collection.

Easter wouldn't be the same without an Easter Egg hunt, so if you want to set up one then we suggest adding some of these goodies to your basket.

An Easter Egg hamper is the perfect gift for anyone looking for the ultimate Easter treat.

Lily Anderson was previously a full-time writer across heat, Closer and Grazia. Her love of shopping and finding the best deals can be traced back to her teenage years when she’d frequent charity shops searching out statement pieces.

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