'Sometimes you have to see it to believe it'
If you need a sign to tell you to start manifesting and planning your future - then this is it, this is your sign to start.
Huge celebs such as Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce and Katy Perry have used vision boards to set their goals, so why wouldn't you want to?
Olivia Attwood recently spoke on Vicky Pattinson's podcast, The Secret To, about making her dreams come true. "I'm very big on writing down the manifestations, what I want and what my dream is. Some of the things that have happened I have written down in journals and described what I've been dreaming of... and they've come to reality."
Vicky responded "Last week I sat down and became Vicky 'collage' Pattison... I've been working on it for weeks, getting all my photos printed out."
Olivia has said that making a vision board will be her next step "I think to visualise things is important."
Manifesting has become popular with many people and has been known to work, and vision boards are the perfect way to start.

What is a vision board?
A vision board is a collage of words, images and other materials that represent your dreams and ambitions. It aims to visualise the goals you have and to focus on what you want to achieve. With the purpose of creating inspiration and motivation towards your visions. They can also include the things you have achieved so far, to give yourself the motivation from how you have come and what else you can continue to achieve. Vision boards can be based around life as a whole, or more specifically your career, your relationships, your health, your home, your finances, or your hobbies. The list is endless - whatever you want to aim to do can be put into a visualisation.
How to make a vision board
So, what are you waiting for? Here is how to make your vision board...
Step one - define your goals: Use self-reflection to find which one or two sectors of your life you want to work on, putting the focus on what you want to improve or continue to build on. E.g. your ultimate career goal or something smaller like your dream bedroom. From this create a list of the things that initially come to mind. Work out if the goals you want are short-term or long-term, so you know when you want to reach the end goal.
Step two - find your inspiration: Use short words that motivate you towards your goals and find images that catch your eye, making you want to stare at your vision board. Who wants a dull vision board?
The easiest way to find your inspiration can be from flicking through magazines, - from lifestyle to fashion to interiors - ripping the images that you aspire to have. But it doesn't stop there. You can use Pinterest or Instagram to find images to print out, find stickers, tags, postcards, patterns, textures, maps, personal photos. The key is to make sure they stand out, drawing your attention to it, whilst giving you something to resonate with.
Step three - plan out your board: This is the best part, the time to put your arts and crafts skills to good use. Lay the images and materials you have you have found onto your board (either a pin board, or cardboard) and start to work out where you want to put each thing. BUT don't stick it down until you have re-arranged them and are completely happy with how it looks.
Now you are ready to start sticking them down - don't be afraid to overlap and add textures and writing to the vision board.
Step four - use your board: Place your completed vision board somewhere you regularly look, you will feel more benefits if you look at it often as it will constantly give you the motivation to work towards your goals. Having a physical vision board is the best way to approach it, but another good idea is to take a photo of your board. This can be kept on your phone, and set to your lock screen or home screen on both your laptop and your phone. Doing this, will increase how much you look at your aspirations.
Step five - update your board: A good idea is to date the vision board for when you look back at them. This way you can see how far you have come since creating it. Another idea is to check back at what you initially put on the board and continue to add to it with your new inspiration.
If you're not able to print out or find images for a physical vision board, then feel free to use these steps to create your vision board virtually - on your laptop or on your phone.
Shop: the best bits for your vision board
Just so you know, whilst we may receive a commission or other compensation from the links on this page, we never allow this to influence product selections.
What you need to create a vision board

Wooden Framed Cork Board

Clear Push Pins

A3 Foam Board

HP Deskjet Plus 4122 Wireless Printer

Permanent Marker Pens

Positive Postcards

Positivity Stickers
And if you want to take your manifestation further, try working on a manifesting journal to note down and work on your goals.

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Ways to get more organised to achieve your goals
- make a list of all the things you need to get done - these can be big or small tasks - but make sure everything is written down and in small manageable chunks.
- prioritise the things you need to do - for example the things that you must do today and the things that can be done during the rest of the week.
- allocate a time for each of the tasks - this the time you will need to get the job done in so make sure it is achievable.
- tick off the tasks you have done, to make you feel a sense of achievement - go back through your list to prioritise a few more tasks for the next day.
- continue until all tasks are completed for the week.