Chris Hughes went IN on Katie Price on Twitter: ‘You’re washed up and you stink.’

And The Pricey’s hit back...

Katie Price Chris Hughes

by Polly Foreman |
Updated on

If there’s one thing we’ve learnt in our lives, it's NEVER mess with The Pricey.

Clearly, Chris Hughes didn’t get the memo. And he's gone in on Katie Price on Twitter. Again.

Chris Hughes Katie Price

It comes after Katie reportedly showed those ’52 screenshots’ of messages from him (that he’s denied exist) to The Sun newspaper. In them, he’s said to have called his girlfriend Olivia Attwood ‘fame hungry’, among other things.

In a now deleted note screenshot (those pesky note screenshots are always so contro), he wrote: “I couldn’t give a shit who I offend anymore. I stand on my own and always will, I don’t need people to get me. Katie Price you’re a piece of rotten shit. I couldn’t give a fuck about you.

chris hughes

“Be a mother, be something respectful for everyone’s sake. I showed you’re true colours, you couldn’t live with it. You have 52 screenshots on Snapchat and a media lawyer will fuck you up. No one deserves your shit, and I ain’t one to take it. You fuck lives. You have MY number, you can see I havnet ever sent you shit. You’re washed up and you stink.”

Seriously not OK.

The Pricey hit back at his accusations, tweeting: “23 years in the business means NEVER bite the hand that feeds you”

She followed it with a picture of her literally breathing fire (yass queen), captioned: “Ladies and Gentlemen, what we have learnt today is NEVER underestimate the Pricey”.

Could we have a Kim K taking down Taylor Swift-style take-down? Time will tell.

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