We apologise in advance to your delicate little eyeballs, the following might not be pretty. At tonight's TV Choice Awards in London a certain few famous types managed to get their outfits spectacularly wrong.
TV Choice Awards 2014 - worst dressed
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Georgia Kousoulou
TOWIE star Georgia's red frock was mega unflattering on the blonde's curvy bod. And is that your bra we can see shining through?
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Kirsty Leigh Porter
That looks like a nasty rash you've developed down the side of your frock there, love. Sheeny rash aside, this outfit looks a bit too 'borrowed-from-me-mam' for us.
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Lucy Kay
Lusty showgirl slash Gypsy Bride, anyone?
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Lydia Bright
Lydia's frock looked like one of ex-TOWIE castmate Amy Childs' leftovers. And in skin-shade beige, too...