EXCLUSIVE: Jo Whiley: ‘Why I’ll never do Strictly Come Dancing’

One of the most influential women in music tells us where she gets her kicks these days

Jo Whiley

by Daisy Hall |
Updated on

Her 25-plus-year career as a radio presenter means that Jo Whiley has hung out with some big names. We’re talking stars such as Madonna, Coldplay (who name checked her at a gig in her hometown of Northampton), Sir Mick Jagger and Jay-Z, to name just a few.

Sadly for the 58 year old, however, that doesn’t mean that kids India, 31, Jude, 25, Cassius, 23, and Coco, 15 – who she shares with her husband of 33 years, Steve Morton – think she’s a cool mum. Chatting to heat, Jo tells that us that her decades of being one of the most influential women in music presenting is merely seen as “useful” by her kids…

Jo Whiley
©National Rail

You’ve met a lot of incredible people in your career. Any standout memories?

Madonna. I remember interviewing her at the BRIT Awards and asking if she was going to any of the after-show parties. She replied, “Oh my god, Whiley, I need my beauty sleep!” At the time, I was younger and didn’t understand that, but now I do. It’s been lovely getting older in music with lots of people like Madonna, who is a great role model. I just love the fact that she’s constantly pushing back and still performing and still being a queen.

Knowing so many stars surely means your kids think you’re cool?

I think useful is the word! They really appreciate what opportunities they have because of the job that I do, whether it’s going to Glastonbury or meeting a particular band.

Jo Whiley and Chris Martin
Jo Whiley and Chris Martin ©Getty

Do you ever go on nights out with them?

We go to gigs all the time because they’re really passionate about music, like I am. We saw Arctic Monkeys last year when they were on tour. It was just the best thing in the world being right down the front with all my kids – we knew every word of every song.

You’ve teamed up with National Rail to voice 30 audio guides about music scenes around the UK. One covers the King’s Cross rave scene – did you go out there back in the day?

I only ever used to go to King’s Cross at six in the morning, after I’d been out all night! I’d have breakfast there, because they had some really great cafés that stayed open.

Do you still love a big night out?

I’ll be honest with you, not so much any more. When I do my ’90s Anthem shows, that’s my big night out. Nowadays, I do most of my dancing on stage when I’m DJing.

Jo Whiley Djing at Wilderness is 2023
Jo Whiley Djing at Wilderness is 2023 ©Getty

Have you got some good dance moves?

I can’t dance to save my life. When I’m on stage, I’m jumping up and down thinking, “This is mortifying! I can’t dance, and I’m doing it in front of loads of people”.

So, we’re not about to see you on Strictly?

One million per cent no. My daughter Coco has been begging me for years, though.

heat magazine cover

Finally, any nerves about turning 60 in a couple of years or are you excited?

Excited is probably not the word. “It is what it is”, as they say on Love Island. There’s nothing I can do about it except be grateful that I am this age.

Jo has teamed up with the rail industry to inspire trips rooted in musical history. To explore the guides and find out how to download the app, visit Nationalrail.co.uk/musicalroutes

Daisy Hall is a News and Entertainment writer across heat, Closer, Grazia, Bella, Yours and Crime Monthly magazines.

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