Katie Price’s year has been pretty packed with drama, to say the least.
So we weren’t at all shocked to hear she was considering some time out of the limelight. That is, until we caught wind of her alternative career plans.
Yup, Pricey has revealed that sometimes she wishes she just worked in a supermarket….
(ASDA, to be exact.)

Speaking to The Sun’s Bizarre column, she said: “Sometimes I think I would love to be behind the till in ASDA and just play shops.
“I want to hear the beep noises and be on the checkout. I crave normality and things like that.
"When people meet me they realise that I am normal but then they know what my job is and it is strange for them to put the two together because we're completely different”
Katie also admitted that after all the stresses in her life recently, she has felt herself going ‘down the route of depression’.

In the last two months, Katie revealed she’d suffered a miscarriage, found out her mum was dying and discovered that Kieran Hayler had been cheating with the nanny.
So, you know, she's suffered one or two blows...
She also went on This Morning to talk about her rape ordeal, and got herself in some serious beef with Love Island’s Chris Hughes.
If you wanted to take a few months stacking shelves in order to escape the dramz we really wouldn’t blame you, Kate.