Fans are fuming with Stephen Bear after he tweeted THIS

Classic Bear, tbh.

CBB Bear

by heatworld |
Published on

Charlotte Crosby and Stephen Bear have barely been broken up thirty seconds, but he has wasted no time establishing the fact he's single.

First, he kissed a girl in an Essex nightclub VERY publicly less than two days after they split,and now he's posted a tweet which is sure to have really pissed Char off.

The CBB star took to Twitter and wrote: "When you wake up and realise your sexy, rich, single, drive a sports car and move into their house in 3 weeks. F*** all you haters.(sic)"

Well, at least you're not blowing your own trumpet or anything, Bear.

Of course, the tweet got a frosty reception from fans still mourning the end of Bear and Char.

One follower replied: "But you haven’t got the moral support @Charlottegshore has, regardless of the money she will always be richer than you with love and support (sic)."

Another said: "Could you be more arrogant (sic)"

While another added: "The one word I don't see here that means more than all that shit is 'happy'(sic)."

Wow. That's deep.

Meanwhile, Charlotte ha

Her Geordie Shore bestie, Holly Hagan, posted a FIRE pic of the pair of them on her Twitter, with the caption: "You didn't think she'd be be fine without you.. well guess what, she's better..."

And she's even been rumoured to be dating TOWIE star, Pete Wicks, who's recently split from Megan McKenna.

(Of course, she's denied this, but remember she also claimed her and Bear were 'just friends' to start off with...)

You can read more about those Pete rumours here.

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