With life slowly but surely getting back to some kind of normality, it seems Victoria Beckham is feeling some intense back-to-work anxiety. And we’re told David’s solution is for the fashion designer to cut her losses and put the family first.
An insider close to the 46 year old tells heat, “Vic herself has admitted that the future of her fashion empire is shaky, and she is constantly stressing over how to navigate the business in the current climate. Her friends, and even David, have said it might be time to let go of her dream. David is fed up of them losing millions over something that has caused them so much anxiety and bad press. Those close to her are desperate for Vic to wake up and realise it herself.”

Victoria came under fire in April for furloughing 30 staff members of her eponymous fashion brand – a decision she then reversed. And while her designs are praised by her fashion peers, she recently caused controversy for selling a £90 T-shirt in aid of Pride month with just 25 per cent of profits going to charity. It was even revealed last week that the business had a £6.4million loan in a bid to keep it afloat after years of losses. In the 12 years the business has operated, it has never made a profit, and has reportedly racked up losses of £42m – despite several multi-million-pound cash injections.
Those close to Vic are said to be baffled why she won’t admit defeat. Our source reveals, “It’s no secret that the company has had huge losses, and her family and friends have been scratching their heads as to why she continues in vain to try to make it a success. For a long time, it has been about getting the family brand into the high- fashion world, but at what cost?”

And after saying in a recent interview that she is unfazed by knockbacks – “Everyone has challenges. The thing is to learn from them” – we’re told Victoria feels she just can’t walk away.
“She’s under so much pressure, but fashion is her identity and she never wants to let that go,” says our insider. “But the hard truth is that the fashion business is ruthless and you really have to be hard as nails to take all the knocks that come with it. David’s wondering if it’s worth it, but leaving it behind would leave Vic utterly heartbroken.”
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Victoria Beckham's changing style












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Spending quality time with David, 45, and kids Romeo, 17, Cruz, 15, and eight-year-old Harper in their Cotswolds home over lockdown has added to Victoria’s anxiety about returning to work, according to our insider.
“Her business always used to excite her, but now she almost wishes that, instead of having to return to London, she could stay put in the Cotswolds and ‘mummy’ all day,” we’re told. And with David set to jet out to Miami as soon as he can in order to get back to running his football team, Inter Miami, he’s keen for Victoria to focus less on her business and instead be at home with the kids.
We’re told, “It’s already such a huge strain on her working relationship with David – he is begging her to let go and focus on the family instead. He’s being a bit selfish, but it’s left Victoria wondering if she really should continue with it, considering the damage it could do to the brand and to her marriage.”
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