Love Island 2024 episode one twist revealed and of course it’s SAVAGE

'I bet you’re wondering how we’re going to couple you up. Well, you’ve done it yourselves'

maya jama love island 2024

by Ben Pulsford |
Published on

The time has come (in our minds we just said that in RuPaul's voice); a fresh summer series of Love Island arrives on our screens TONIGHT and if you're going out, well, that's your loss.

After a week's worth of Islander drops, gossip and teasers episode one will finally air at 9pm on ITV1, ITV2 and ITVX and the channel has just released some major Love Island 2024 spoilers ahead of tonight's (no doubt) explosive debut episode.

Love Island is back
Love Island is back ©©ITV

And we're going to discuss the BIG one in this article, so if spoilers (even the light-ish ones) aren't for you, hun, look away now. Perhaps you'd like to learn about where you can shop the Love Island sunglasses from the show including affordable dupes, instead?

To be fair, read that anyway, because some of them are an absolute summer slay.


Maya meets the new Islanders
Maya meets the new Islanders ©©ITV

We already knew thanks to heatworld's sneaky visit to the Love Island villa last week that producers were scrapping the whole getting the public to couple up the boys and girls on day one, but until today, had no idea what was replacing this format.


According to ITV producers, once everyone has slow-mo walked into the villa and briefly met one another, Maya Jama will greet them and say, “You’ve already started getting to know each other so you guys have had enough time for first impressions, right? First impressions count. Boys and girls, I now want you to rate each other in order of who you think has come across the most like boyfriend and girlfriend material, right down to who has given the least relationship vibes.”

Sam, Jess and Sean
Sam, Jess and Sean ©©ITV

The girls will then gather and organise the boys from most to least on who they think is boyfriend material. Following that, the boys will place the girls from most to least on who they think is girlfriend material.

And according to ITV, expect some feather ruffling as a result of this. Not drama in episode one...

Maya will then say, “Well, that was very interesting. I bet you’re wondering how we’re going to couple you up. Well, you’ve done it yourselves!”

The girls will then couple up with the boy who is placed in the same position as them on the most-to-least scale.

Maya Jama is back
Maya Jama is back ©©ITV

heatworld has also learned the episode will end with a major show twist.

Maya Jama will return to the villa at the end of the episode and gather the Islanders at the fire pit. She will then say, “It’s good to see you’re all settled in but as you know, you’re on Love Island. You must always expect the unexpected.”


WATCH: Molly and Tom predicted who would be going into the villa

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