Things are properly hotting up in the Love Island villa, aren't they? Not only is brand new bombshell Rebecca Gormley ready to stir shiz up a bit, but we're witnessing the start of some - dare we say - actual relationships?
(Then again, we felt this way about Yewande Biala and Michael Griffiths this time last series and look how that one turned out.)
Tonight? Things step up a notch for Mike Boeteng and Leanne Amaning as he turns masseur, bombshell Rebecca turns a few heads and it's Dirty Dancers challenge time. Y'know, where they all strip off and sexily (read: oh-so-awkwardly) attempt the funky chicken?
CHECK OUT Love Island spoilers: Monday 20th January
Love Island spoilers: Monday 20th January

Mike and Leanne go on a date
Mike and Leanne are whisked off on their first date outside of the villa, with the tease suggesting the pair will get a bit 'hands on.' And they aren't lyin', 'cause it's time for Mike to turn masseur.Getting all deep, Mike says: "For me, getting to know someone, I'm always thinking possibly long-term. Eventually I'm going to think, is it going to go somewhere?" OOH.

It's Dirty Dancers challenge time
The most excruciatingly-awkward but properly-brilliant moment of Love Island every series? The Dirty Dancers challenge; which sees the Islanders hooked up to heart monitors to find out whose 'sexy' (in inverted commas) striptease leaves them hot under the collar. And,'s BACK. With a twist.

Rebecca gets hearts racing
Yep, brand new bombshell Rebecca enters the villa as the final dancer; but whose heart rate's gonna go through the roof as she arrives?
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This all comes as fans speak of their shock over Rebecca's real age. Honestly, everyone on social media's in a right tizz about it.
Viewers were amazed to discover the bombshell is just 21, with one commenting: "There is no way new girl Rebecca is 21🤔She looks like a 40 year old housewife!"
Another said: "The new girl going on #LoveIsland is 21?? She looked like she was pushing 40," while one actually stuck up for her saying: "BE HONEST! The new girl is stunning on her instagram. #LoveIsland."
That's more like it. BE NICE, people.