We love a bit of___self-care_ and all this time at home has really given us an excuse to look after ourselves inside and out. Each week, we'll be asking the celeb lot to share their Sunday self-care routines, because taking care of yourself is more important than ever.
This week is all about Love Island's Lucinda Strafford and Lillie Haynes. The pair may not have actually been in the villa at the same time (Lucinda left just before Lillie arrived in Casa Amor) however they've become close after appearing on heat's Under The Duvet and working together on a very exciting campaign withBoux Avenue.
We love this blossoming friendship, tbh.
Lillie and Lucinda chat exclusively to heat about self-care must-haves, manifesting Love Island and the budget beauty buys they cannot be without...
What is your ultimate self-care Sunday routine?

Lillie: I always make time for self-care. I think it's the most important thing for your happiness and your mental attitude. Spending time with my puppy and my mum is self-care for the mind and a face mask and a movie is how I like to get away from the real world.
Lucinda: That's the same for me. I do love a bath as well and shopping for bath bombs. My favourite thing ever is just getting in a nice fresh robe, washing my hair and putting a hair mask on, I love all of that.
Let's talk skincare. Are there any products you're loving right now?
Lillie: I am huge on skincare, I watch Hyram [Yarbro] for therapy! I use AHAs as my exfoliant, I think that's my secret to good skin. I love either The Ordinary AHA 30% BHA 2% Peeling Solution or The Inkey List Beta Hydroxy Acid Serum the ingredients are absolutely spot on and they're not too harsh on the skin.
Lucinda: You know what, I'm not massive on skincare, but I use the Clinique Take The Day Off Balm to take off my make-up and then will use a toner and a moisturiser...
Lillie: SPF? You must use an SPF everyday!
Lucinda: My moisturiser probably has SPF in it, but I couldn't tell you...
What were your go-to make-up favourites for filming?

Lucinda: So this is actually a funny story, I went to the airport without a foundation in my bag because I ordered the Too Faced Born This Way Foundation, a couple of them and they didn't arrive on time. So, I was relying on buying one at the airport instead, but there wasn't a Too Faced stand there. I didn't know what to go for, but there was Dior and their foundations are meant to be good. I got this Dior Skin Glow Foundation and I completely and utterly guessed the shade because of Coronavirus. When I was in quarantine before with my chaperone, I was like, 'Imagine if this foundation doesn't suit my face." But oh my god, I'm obsessed with it, it's amazing. I literally just bought another one.
Lillie: Sometimes they're just the best ones aren't they?
Lucinda: I wasn't expecting it but I think I'm going to use this one forever now.
Lillie: I absolutely rely on the Nars Natural Radiant Foundation, it's my ride-or-die. I love cream products because I have really dry skin. Oh andLaura Mercier Translucent Powder is every girl's essential.
Is there a beauty budget you're loving right now?
Lucinda: I love the Maybelline Sky High Mascara , I use it everyday.
Lillie: Mine is the PLouise Coloured Bases, it's like a cream product and you can use it for anything. I use a little bit on my cheek as a cream blush and it's the most beautiful peachy orange.
Are you into the ol' vision boards/manifestation thing?
Lillie: I am a manifestation queen! I think I've manifested everything in my life. I truly believe in it and create a vision board every year.
Lucinda: I feel like I need to get more into it.
Lillie: We can have vision board nights together!
Lucinda: I definitely need to get more into it, but you know what, even the Love Island application process, I feel like I manifested that, like it was meant to happen. Even with creating my business, I had no experience with it at all, but I just did it. It's not in a cocky way, it's just putting it out into the universe.
Lillie: You get nowhere sitting in your comfort zone, you've got to push yourself out to do things. You're better off trying and failing than never trying at all.
What's a book you've read recently that's changed your life?
Lillie: My journey all started with The Secret, but to be honest I'm much more visual. I like making a vision board and setting it as my phone screensaver.
Lucinda: When I broke up with my ex in March, I remember I went through a phase of reading this book and I told everyone I knew to read it. It was about self-confidence. I was never a big reader but at that time in my life, I just read so many books. I can't remember what it was called, but it was brilliant. I also loved Good Vibes, Good Life, it was incredible.
What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
Lillie: A quote that I live by is, '10 years from now, make sure you can say you've chosen your life rather than settled for it'. That always sticks with me. Go out there and live your life.
Lucinda: I don't think anything is luck, I think if something happens in your life you've worked for it. We're all human, no one is extra human than anyone else. We've all got the same hours in the day.
Congrats on your Boux Avenue campaign! Can you tell us more?
Lucinda: I've always loved Boux Avenue, I've always been a customer. I remember going in before Love Island to get things for the show, so this is all very exciting.
Lillie: Boux Avenue is just amazing because it's all about empowering women and being confident in your own skin. I'm all about the saucy undies, the padded bras... nothing gives you confidence quite like putting a matching set on in the morning.
Lucinda: You know what, I'm actually different to you, I love the fluffy pyjamas and lounge sets. I just love big, baggy, fluffy clothes! My favourite from the collection is the Pink Stripe Shortie Pyjamas In A Bag .
Lillie: I love the shorties in the bag, too. My favourite are the Blue Leopard Pyjamas In A Bag .
Quickfire round:
Show you’re currently binging?
Lucinda: I've just finished Married At First Sight UK, I loved Adam and Taya.
Lillie: I've tried to get into Squid Game and I can't...
Go-to cuppa?
Lillie: I'm really boring, I like a flat white.
Lucinda: I like an iced soy caramel latte, that's my boring order or a soy white mocha, that's my hot drink.
Go-to loungewear brand?
Lucinda: Obviously Boux Avenue is up there, I love their loungewear sets, I bought some the other day from the Zara McDermott collection.
Lillie: I like Boux Avenue or Victoria's Secret.
Go-to takeaway order?
Both: Chinese!
Lucinda: It's my favorite thing in the whole entire world I have it every single day.
Lillie: Okay, we're going to have Chinese, vision boards and Great British Bake Off we're going to have a great night!
Favourite face mask?
Lucinda: I love the Australian Pink Clay Mask by Alya Skin
Lillie: It has to be theThe Ordinary AHA 30% BHA 2% Peeling Solution
Favourite candle?
Lucinda: The White Company Pomegranate Signature Candle, it's my favourite.
Lillie: I love the Bath & Bodyworks ones. I love cinnamon for this time of year, otherwise, I love fresh bed linen scents.
Now! More news!
Love Island's Millie Court shares her £3.48 secret for long-lasting make-up
Selling Sunset's Mary Fitzgerald talks filming secrets and the long-lasting foundation she swears by
In other news, Lucinda shared exclusively to heat how she is now 'taking things very very slow' with ex-boyfriend Aaron Connolly.
Lucinda said of the blossoming romance, "My ex is on the scene and we're just seeing where things go. It's really, really early stages. I mean, I'm at my mum's house and everything."
The pair broke it off in March and rekindled their relationship after Aaron sent her a text post-Love Island.
We can't wait to see how things will develop.