Some Love Islanders have charisma and season 11's Ronnie Vint had it by the bucket load.
After starring in many (MANY!) love triangles during his time in the Mallorca villa, the 27-year-old left the villa hand-in-hand with now-girlfriend Harriett Blackmore, who are now serving '00s footballer and his WAG after a cheating scandal' in that viral pic. Hang it in the Louvre.
Ronnie is also good friends with Love Island legend, Olivia Attwood and her husband Bradley Dack (so much so, he was best man at their wedding). Therefore it was only right for Ronnie to join Olivia for season two of her chart-topping podcast, So Wrong It's Right.

As well as spilling ample Love Island tea, Ronnie opened up about his hair for the first time after some fans wondered if he was wearing a 'wig or hairpiece'.
"Do you know what, 98% of what I've read has been unbelievable, the support and how I've come across, is me just being me and people have loved it," Ronnie shares before laughing, "Then the 2% have been about my hair. I've seen some bits and they are brutal!"
He continues, "But for me, I haven't spoken about this on anything and with you, I feel comfortable doing it."
Ronnie shared how he relies on the best-selling Toppik Hair-Building Fibers, £15 to create the illusion of fuller hair.
"So my hairline, if I haven't got this hair powder in, my hairline is back in Mallorca! It's that bad. I use Toppik Fibre. So obviously when I wash my hair, it's like nothing. My hair is there, obviously, but it just fills in the little gaps and that."

Olivia then asked, "They never showed you doing your hair and they never showed you in the shower. Did you ask them not to show it?"
Ronnie said he was very open with his hair ritual to both 'boys and girls' in the villa.
"If they asked me, I'd be like, 'This is what I used.' I was so open about it. That's why I was surprised the show didn't use it as I was doing it in front of everyone. It wasn't like I was running off and putting the powder on and coming back like, 'Woah, look at me now!'"

Hair loss and balding can be a big insecurity for men, yet Ronnie believes it doesn't have to be, "I think it opens up doors for other people who haven't got strong barnets. I obviously knew it could have got picked up like it did, but I think it opens up avenues for other people and I think people should just embrace it."
Olivia adds, "You're like, 'I've gone on Love Island with a weak hairline and I've nicked every bird'"
Ronnie replies, "It works, doesn't it, just put a bit of Toppik in your barnet and nick a few birds!"
That's right guys, hair-building fibres are officially Love Island-approved.
Aimee Jakes is heat’s trending content editor. As well as writing about skincare launches, high-street fashion and gym bag essentials, she’s forever chatting to celebs about their fancy beauty routines. Follow her on Instagram here.