MAFS Australia’s Timothy Smith breaks silence on criminal past after being jailed in maximum security prison

The Married At First Sight star earned millions from drug trafficking before he was caught

Timothy Smith

by Nathan Katnoria |
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Married At First Sight Australia’s Timothy Smith has spent the past six weeks or so getting to know his new ‘wife’ Lucinda Light and while he’s opened up about his difficult past following the death of his parents and brother, it turns out there are some details about his life that weren’t revealed on the show.

It recently came to light that Timothy spent in year in maximum security prisons in America after being convicted of drug offences and he’s now opened up about exactly what happened in the hopes of deterring other from making a bad decision.

“I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry to everyone I hurt. But I don't want anyone to do what I did,” Timothy said in a candid new interview. “That decision in 2006 keeps affecting me. Unfortunately or fortunately it shapes who I am today."

Timothy Smith
Timothy has shared his regrets after revealing he was convicted of drug trafficking ©Red Arrow/Nine

In 2006, Timothy trafficking large amounts of drugs while living in Vancouver and earned $100,000 for each trip. He was caught flying large amounts of marijuana between Canada and the US and after pleading guilty to drug trafficking, he spent a year in super-maximum prisons in Washington State, California, Colorado, Oklahoma and New Mexico.

“My world changed. I was shipped off to a federal facility. No guards, four walls, 180 guys, good or bad,” he told A Current Affair.

Timothy added, “I did something very very stupid and I paid the price. I paid the ultimate price. “If I could go back and change it, I would. There’s no question I’d change it.”

Lucinda Light and Timothy Smith
Timothy is 'married' to Lucinda on the show ©James Gourley/Red Arrow/Nine

Timothy has admitted that he didn’t inform MAFS producers of his criminal past and they’ve also revealed that background checks failed to flag his time in prison.

“All participants on MAFS, including Timothy, undergo extensive background checks including police checks in countries in which they have resided,” Channel Nine said in a statement. “In Timothy’s case, checks were conducted in Australia and Canada and were clear. It was only this week that Timothy disclosed he was arrested in the US.”

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