It's the time of the week again guys, gals and non-binary bunch. Love Island 2018 might be over (SOB), but we're not letting it go without a fight. Yep - heat Radio's Breakfast Show host Emily Segal's #UnderTheDuvet with another pair of islanders of an end-of-series special.
So who've we got this week, then? It's only runners-up Laura Anderson and Paul Knops. Hoorah.
With so many questions to ask the pair - from their relationship status to that Britney Spears kiss - you just know this is gonna be a good one.
BELOW: Follow ALL the Love Island lot on social media...
Love Island snapchat usernames - slider

Caroline Flack Snapchat username
Let's kick things off with our Love Island host and all-round MEGA BABE Caroline Flack.Snapchat: flickflackTwitter: @carolineflack1Instagram: @carolineflack

heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list
Next up is the absolutely, bloody hilarious Iain Stirling. He's responsible for the witty commentary basically taking the piss out of all the islanders. Lolol.Snapchat: IaindoesjokesTwitter: @IainDoesJokesInstagram: @iaindoesjokes

Georgia Harrison Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @glharrisonxInstagram: @glharrisonx

Jamie Jewitt Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @jamielukejewittInstagram: @jamiejewitt_

Theo Campbell Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @theocampbelInstagram: @theo_campbell91

Rob Lipsett Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @RobLipsettInstagram: roblipsett

Steve Ball Snapchat username
Snapchat: steveball_92Twitter: @steveball_92Instagram: steveball92

Alex Beattie Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: n/aInstagram: alex.beattie

Nathan Joseph Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @natjosephInstagram: nat_joseph

Craig Lawson Snapchat username
Snapchat:craiglawsonptTwitter: @thetattooedptInstagram: thetattooedpt

Marino Kastsouris Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @marlnokatsourisInstagram: marino_katsouris

Shannen Reilly Mcgrath Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @ShannenReillyMInstagram: shannenreillymcgrath

Chyna Ellis Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @chynaellis*Instagram: chynaellis*

Amelia Peters Snapchat username
Snapchat: apetersxTwitter: @amelia_petersInstagram: ameliapeters1

Ellisha-Jade White Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @thesotongirlInstagram: thesouthamptongirl

Danielle Sellers Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @DanieIleSellersInstagram: daniellejsellers

Tyla Carr Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter:TylaRosieCarrInstagram

Simon Searles Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: simonsearles1Instagram: sisearles
Mike Thalassitis aka 'Muggy Mike' Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: MikeThalassitisInstagram: mike_thala

Gabby Allen Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @gabbydawnallenInstagram: @gabbydawnallen

Tyne-Lexi Clarson Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @tlc_xxxInstagram: @tyne_lexy_clarson

Jonny Mitchell Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @jonnyVmitchellInstagram: @jonny_mitchell1991

Chris Hughes Snapchat username
Snapchat: hchris22Twitter: @chrishughes_22Instagram: @chrishughes_22
Olivia Attwood Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @oliviajade_attInstagram: @oliviajade_attwood

Chloe Crowhurst Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @ChloeCrowhurst_Instagram: @chloecrowhurstx

Montana Brown Snapchat username
Snapchat: MontanarosebrowTwitter: @montanarosebInstagram: @montanarosebrown1

Jessica Shears Snapchat username
Snapchat: jessicaroseukTwitter: @Jessica_Rose_UKInstagram: @jessica_rose_uk

Camilla Thurlow Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @CamillaThurlowInstagram: @camillathurlow

Amber Davies Snapchat username
Snapchat: amber_davies7Twitter: @Amber_Davies7Instagram: @amb_d

ENTERTAINMENT heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list by Ruby Norris | 11 09 2017 Shirtless selfies and bikini snaps galore Love Island is without doubt the standout reality TV show of the summer (Big Brother, CBB, Ex On The Beach we still love you don't worry). Can you think of anything more entertaining than shoving a load of sassy, sexy singletons into a villa and watching them try and cop off with each other to be in with a chance of becoming the last couple standing and taking home the £50,000 prize? No. Obvs not. (PS, find out everyhting you need to know about the new series here.) Not only do the islanders form close bonds with each other in the villa (some closer than others wink, wink) but we kinda get a little bit obsessed with them too. Now that it's all over, we want to know everything about them: if the couples are still together IRL, if they all hang out as mates, what they had for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner, and the best way to do that is of course on Snapchat. So, we've done some digging and compiled an ultimate list of Love Island stars' Snapchat usernames and social media handles. Here ya go! Love Island Snapchat Usernames Caroline Flack Snapchat username Let's kick things off with our Love Island host and all-round MEGA BABE Caroline Flack. Snapchat: flickflack Twitter: @carolineflack1 Instagram: @carolineflack Iain Stirling aka Love Island Voice Over Guy Snapchat username Next up is the absolutely, bloody hilarious Iain Stirling. He's responsible for the witty commentary basically taking the piss out of all the islanders. Lolol. Snapchat: Iaindoesjokes Twitter: @IainDoesJokes Instagram: @iaindoesjokes Georgia Harrison Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @glharrisonx Instagram: @glharrisonx Jamie Jewitt Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @jamielukejewitt Instagram: @jamiejewitt_ Theo Campbell Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @theocampbel Instagram: @theo_campbell91 Rob Lipsett Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @RobLipsett Instagram: roblipsett Steve Ball Snapchat username Snapchat: steveball_92 Twitter: @steveball_92 Instagram: steveball92 Alex Beattie Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: n/a Instagram: alex.beattie Nathan Joseph Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @natjoseph Instagram: nat_joseph Craig Lawson Snapchat username Snapchat:craiglawsonpt Twitter: @thetattooedpt Instagram: thetattooedpt Marino Kastsouris Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @marlnokatsouris Instagram: marino_katsouris Shannen Reilly Mcgrath Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @ShannenReillyM Instagram: shannenreillymcgrath Chyna Ellis Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @chynaellis_ Instagram: chynaellis_ Amelia Peters Snapchat username Snapchat: apetersx Twitter: @amelia_peters Instagram: ameliapeters1 Ellisha-Jade White Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @thesotongirl Instagram: thesouthamptongirl Danielle Sellers Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @DanieIleSellers Instagram: daniellejsellers Tyla Carr Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter:TylaRosieCarr Instagram:tylarosie Simon Searles Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: simonsearles1 Instagram: sisearles Mike Thalassitis aka 'Muggy Mike' Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: MikeThalassitis Instagram: mike_thala Gabrielle ALlen Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @gabbydawnallen Instagram: @gabbydawnallen Tyne-Lexi Clarson Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @tlc_xxx Instagram: @tyne_lexy_clarson Jonny Mitchell Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @jonnyVmitchell Instagram: @jonny_mitchell1991 (CREDIT: ITV) © ITV Chris Hughes Snapchat username Snapchat: hchris22 Twitter: @chrishughes_22 Instagram: @chrishughes_22 (CREDIT: ITV) © ITV Olivia Attwood Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @oliviajade_att Instagram: @oliviajade_attwood © ITV Chloe Crowhurst Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @ChloeCrowhurst_ Instagram: @chloecrowhurstx © ITV Montana Brown Snapchat username Snapchat: Montanarosebrow Twitter: @montanaroseb Instagram: @montanarosebrown1 © ITV Jessica Shears Snapchat username Snapchat: jessicaroseuk Twitter: @Jessica_Rose_UK Instagram: @jessica_rose_uk © ITV Camilla Thurlow Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @CamillaThurlow Instagram: @camillathurlow © ITV Amber Davies Snapchat username Snapchat: amber_davies7 Twitter: @Amber_Davies7 Instagram: @amb_d © ITV Marcel Somerville Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @marcel_rockybInstagram: @marcel_rockyb

Kem Cetinay Snapchat username
Snapchat: kemcatinayTwitter: @KemCetinayInstagram: @kemcetinay

Sam Gowland Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @SamGowland123Instagram: @samgowland

Harley Judge Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @Harley_JudgeInstagram: @harley_judge

Dom Lever Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @_DomLeverInstagram: @domlever

Cara de la Hoyde Snapchat username
Snapchat: miss_delahoydeTwitter: @miss_delahoydeInstagram: @cara_delahoyde

Nathan Massey Snapchat username
Snapchat: nathloveislandTwitter: @NathanMassey*Instagram: @nathanmassey*

Olivia Buckland Snapchat username
Snapchat: oliviabucklTwitter: @OliviaDBuckInstagram: @oliviadbuck

Alex Bowen Snapchat username
Snapchat: ab_bowen07Twitter: @ab_bowen07Instagram: @ab_bowen
Kady McDermott Snapchat username
Snapchat: kadymcdermottxTwitter: @kadymcdermottxInstagram: @kadymcdermott

Scott Thomas Snapchat username
Snapchat: scottyspecial88Twitter: @scottyspecialInstagram: @scottyspecial
Laura and Paul (or, as we more affectionately refer to them, Paura) have been plagued by split rumours since they left the villa last week; so we thought we'd give them a probing to get to the bottom of it.
Are they really legit? Any plans to move in together? Is Laura jealous of Britney and the whole Make Me... music video make out? Let's find out.
BELOW: Watch Under the Duvet with Laura and Paul...
With thanks to Bubblegum Balloons and Primark for our fab tropical-themed decor.
Check out more episodes of heat's Love Island: Under the Duvet with your favourite islanders over on our YouTube channel.
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