Married At First Sight Australia may be coming to an end (SOB) but things are still as dramatic as ever in the final few episodes.
After Elizabeth Sobinoff rightly ignored her cheating ex-husband, Sam Ball, in Friday night’s reunion episode (26 February), Sam left fans less than impressed by making nasty comments about Elizabeth behind her back.
Despite being the one in the wrong for having an affair with fellow co-star Ines Basic, a clean-shaven Sam called Elizabeth a “dementor”.

Speaking to the camera, he said, “Seeing Elizabeth walk in that room tonight was frightening. It’s like one of those dementors out of Harry Potter entering, just sucking the life out of me.
"I’m trying to just stay out of it, but I’m sure I’ll get sucked in somehow by the dementor.”
CHECK OUT the Married At First Sight Australia rich list
Married At First Sight Australia rich list - slider

19) Matthew Bennett
Instagram: @mattybgratefulFollowers: 76,439Earnings per post: £365

18) Lauren Huntriss
Instagram: @laurenhuntrissFollowers: 101,792Earnings per post: £381

16) Mike Gunner
Instagram: @mikekangarooFollowers: 155,953Earnings per post: £433

14) Melissa Lucarelli
Instagram: @mellucarelliFollowers: 130,958Earnings per post: £478

13) Bronson Norrish
Instagram: @bronson_norrishFollowers: 161,743Earnings per post: £533

12) Nic Jovanovic
Instagram: @nicccjFollowers: 148,277Earnings per post: £537

11) Mick Gould
Instagram: @mick_gould86Followers: 167,461Earnings per post: £596

10) Ning Surasiang
Instagram: @ning_sura85Followers: 173,662Earnings per post: £629

8) Michael Brunelli
Instagram: @mbrunelliFollowers: 210,970Earnings per post: £666

7) Heidi Latcham
Instagram: @heidslatchamFollowers: 215,118Earnings per post: £708

6) Jessica Power
Instagram: @jessika_powerFollowers: 270,819Earnings per post: £786

5) Cyrell Paule
Instagram: @cyrelljimenezpauleFollowers: 275,234Earnings per post: £1,002

4) Cameron Merchant
Instagram: @cammerchantFollowers: 303,978Earnings per post: £1,020

3) Elizabeth Sobinoff
Instagram: @lizalizzieelizabethFollowers: 378,032Earnings per post: £1,359

2) Martha Kalifatidis
Instagram: @marthaa__kFollowers: 440,089Earnings per post: £1,567

1) Jules Robinson
Instagram: @julesrobinson82Followers: 465,789Earnings per post: £1,589

After Sam’s shocking comments, viewers took to Twitter to express their anger with one saying, “How can Sam be so mean towards Lizzie when he’s the one in the wrong?"
Another commented, “That’s not on! Sam shouldn’t call Lizzie names.”
A third tweeted, "Sam really is hurt that Liz ignored him and is begging for her attention. I hope she does not give him any."
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MAFS' Mike Gunner responds to 'offensive' comment he made at reunion
Friday night’s reunion episode of MAFSA was full of more drama than we could ever have hoped for.
Not only was there beef between Sam and Lizzie, viewers also watched a furious Martha Kalifatidis pour red wine over Cyrell Paule’s head after losing her temper at Cyrell for talking to her husband Michael Brunelli.
Speaking about the incident on the show, Martha said, “It wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. She kept on baiting me. If I could go back, I would obviously not pour a drink on her head because that’s gross.
"I would actually judge a girl who would do that to another girl but Cyrell is trash beyond anything I know. I scummed down to her level and I’m embarrassed. I need to apologise.”