Can't be bovved to wash your hair every SINGLE day? We feel you - it's just been too hot recently, hasn't it? Instead, beat the heat and get on-board with one of this year's hottest hair trends - plaits.
Braids of all types have been popping up all over our radar, making us utterly despo to start weaving immediately. The passion for a good plait is so huge that last year's blow dry bars are being replaced by braid bars quicker than we can cornrow.
Fancy having a go at switching up your style? A good plait works best on day-old hair so if yours is squeaky clean (jel), pump some dry shampoo into it for texture.
Let's start by taking a look at types of braids for inspo...
French Braid
The classic French braid is a timeless hairstyle in which your hair is collected in increasingly greater amounts into one single braid. It begins at the crown and extends down the back of the head.
Dutch Braid
A Dutch braid is truly great for any hair type; it's a three-piece section of hair braided together with the pieces crossing under the middle section.
Classic 3-Strand Braid
The laziest, yet most iconic of the braids; a classic 3-strand braid involves sectioning the desired amount of hair into three sections. You then alternate one section over the other until you have reached the end of the hair.

Fishtail Braid
So-called because the pattern of the hair resembles – you guessed it – a fish skeleton. It involves weaving strands of hair together to create the fishy (but chic af) appearance.
Strand Braid
Pull Through Braid
Sometimes referred to as a 'bubble braid', a pull through braid plaiting two sections of hair around a central strand.
Rope Twisted Braid
This two strand braid is created by twisting hair in one direction, then wrapping the two sections together in the opposite direction.
Waterfall Braid
We have to say this is one of our faves, and really gives us those early 00s Disney Channel/Buffy vibes. A waterfall braid is a half French braid in which part of the hair is braided and the rest is left to fall like a 🌊.
Milkmaid Braids
Everlastingly iconic, milkmaid braids are a style of braid with a centre part that wraps around the head.
Braided Babes
Plaits! Hair inspiration for EVERY event







