Skirt or trousers? Corrie or EastEnders? Ant or Dec? Gah! How many times a day are you faced with so many choices that you’re actually finding hard to make a decision at all? Thankfully, help is here and in the unlikely form of BAFTA winning comedian Mo Gilligan. Yes, really.
Sky Stream have appointed Mo to be their very own Simplicity Guru to help us navigate the tricky decisions in life. In a new video series, Life Simplified, Mo is joined by a different expert each episode to address the simple steps we can take to take the confusion of our modern life from chaos to calm.

Choice overwhelm
Sky Stream has conducted brand new research and discovered that thanks to overwhelming choice, new technologies and crazes we feel perplexed by how complicated life has become 11 times a day, with 18 minutes of pure confusion.
Whilst literally everything in modern day life is seemingly leaving us puzzled – money bagged the top spot for the most confusing part of life (44 percent), followed by tech (41 per cent), dating (26 percent), health (24 percent) and work (20 percent). And for under 35s, more than a tenth (13 percent) admitted they don’t know how to balance their career and relationships. Hard relate?
The Big Decisions
In one episode, Mo teams up with author and psychologist, Jo Hemmings, to discuss how we can navigate the overwhelming choice of options we’re often faced with in life. She has shared with heatworld her top tips on how to nail the perfect decision:
Make a list.
It sounds old-fashioned but writing a list allows you to prioritise what needs to happen by when. It also helps not to feel overwhelmed if you can see it in front of you, instead of it whirling all around in your brain.
Break it down.
Bigger goals are always much better to be put into smaller goals. If you were planning a wedding its best to break that up into several smaller jobs and give yourself time frames for each of them. Time frames also stop engulfing your brain with too many things and help you to avoid procrastination.
Ask a friend.
Talking through your decision with someone else will take the emotion out of your dilemma and give you a different perspective which you may not have thought of as you’re so close to the decision.
Pick the right moment.
Avoid making big decisions when you’re not in the right frame of mind, like if you’re stressed, tired or you’ve had a couple of drinks.
All episodes of Life Simplified will be on the Sky UK YouTube channel.