Olivia Bowen talks wellness habits, birth anxiety and her go-to fake tan which ‘smells like perfume’

The Love Island star chats through her self-care Sunday must-haves...

Olivia Bowen self-care

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

We love a bit of self-care and all this time at home has really given us an excuse to look after ourselves inside and out. Each week, we'll be asking the celeb lot to share their Sunday self-care routines, because taking care of yourself is more important than ever.

This week, it's all about Olivia Bowen, the reality telly queen who well and truly stole our hearts on Love Island 2016. She has worked with many mega brands including Boux Avenue and In The Style, as well as starting her very own loungewear business, Exempt Society.

Liv's expecting her first baby with husband and fellow co-star Alex Bowen in June and we're so excited to follow them on their new journey as parents. Forever #relationshipgoals, if you ask us.

Olivia chats exclusively to heat about her self-care routine now she's in the third trimester, podcast recomendations and the best advice she's recieved during pregnancy...

On pregnancy

Olivia Bowen

Olivia looks bloomin' beautiful as she reaches the 9 month mark in her pregnancy, but how has she been finding everything?

"There have been ups and downs, but all in all it's actually been a really nice experience," Olivia tells heat, "I was really sort of concerned that I wouldn't deal with pregnancy very well, being a party animal and I've never properly thought about it. I always worried if I would be able to handle it, but I've been really lucky that I haven't been super sick or anything. The third trimester is definitely the one where you just don't want to move, I feel like I've got a bloody watermelon on my stomach!"

On self-care

Olivia Bowen

What does self-care look like for Liv since she's expecting? Spoiler alert: turns out it's more important than ever.

"I knew I'd have days where I felt crap, so I really wanted to sort out my self-care and do things that make me look and feel good. I never used to get any beauty treatments, but I started getting my lashes done every couple of weeks and getting my nails done by my friend every month and it's just little things like that which really make a difference.

"When you wake up, you do feel really bloated, you do have loads of water retention and you do feel really different. One of my favourite things to do is fake tanning. I am a sucker for a tan, it always makes me feel good!"

Olivia is currently working with fake tan brand utan and is obsessed with the utan Marie Curie Turbo Mousse .

"I've used tans which smell horrible, I've used so many different ones in the past and made plenty of mistakes and this one is by far the best tan I've ever used. For every bottle sold, 75p goes to Marie Curie which is just amazing. The smell of the tan honestly smells like perfume, it's amazing. I've been using it every week, I always tan on a Thursday and it makes me feel good for the weekend.

"I've also been keeping moisturised. Using lots of oils and having baths, you know, just taking it easy. Also not forgetting things like Pilates and going for lots of walks. Because I think that side of self care is really important when you're pregnant, just trying to keep a little bit active if you can - it might help you sleep better as well."

On daily wellness habits

"I've got two dogs and walking has been a godsend. There have been days where I've really struggled mentally just to get my head around the changes and Alex has been like, 'Right, let's go for a walk!' Because for some reason, just walking in the countryside, the dogs with nothing else around you, sort of chills you out and sort of puts things into perspective.

"I also have my horse, Dolly. So when I'm feeling down, I go and see her. I've tried to ride a little bit, but I tried to ride a couple of days ago and my bump actually hit the front of the saddle so it's a little bit difficult! So I usually just go up and see her but I'm definitely a countryside girl at heart."

On podcast recommendations

Olivia Bowen

"Ashley James has a really great podcast [Mum's The Word! The Parenting Podcast with Ashley James] which is really, really honest and I absolutely love her. We've been chatting over DM the whole time I've been pregnant because she's just so supportive. Also, Kate Lawler has a podcast [Maybe Baby] and a book that she sent me about her pregnancy and what she went through. And she's very honest, I just really liked someone who's very honest and doesn't sugarcoat things."

Maybe Baby by Kate Lawler

Rrp: $28.99

Price: $20.42

On hypnobirthing

"I did a hypnobirthing course with The Positive Birth Company, which was probably the best thing that I could have done and it teaches you so much about birth. So that's definitely, definitely one for the pregnant ladies, I think.

"I was really scared of childbirth, I have been for years ever since I can remember. A friend has something really traumatic happened to her mum in school. So that kind of stuck with me for years and I was really nervous.

"It just teaches you different techniques for breathing, the science behind birth and sort of just takes you through the whole thing and tries to give you techniques to deal with certain things as they come. It's really really useful, especially if you do have a fear of it. It just really helps rationalise your thoughts."

On really great advice

Olivia Bowen's favourite piece of pregnancy wisdom comes from her own mum and it's a corker.

"I think just to take each day as it comes and try not to run away with yourself. I never properly imagined being pregnant, so suddenly, I was like, "Oh my God, I know nothing about babies. I don't think about children. I know nothing about pregnancy" and just felt really overwhelmed. But the advice my mum gave me was to just take each day as it comes because you end up learning so much about everything along the way, just from going through it day by day and talking about it. So don't expect to know everything at once. It just comes to you."

Quickfire round:

What show are you currently watching? The Missing, it's quite dark actually and probably not the best show to be watching right now!

How do you like your cuppa? Strong with two sugars. I should probably have one, but it's always two.

Go-to loungewear brand? At the moment, either Boux Avenue orLove Leggings.

Favourite face mask? I swear by Skin Republic masks, they're so good.

Go-to takeaway order? Domino's, I always have pepperoni and jalapenos on top.

Favourite candle? I'd have to sayJo Malone Pomegranate Noir because that's what I currently have in my kitchen.

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