What’s life like months after the doors close on the Love Island villa? We caught up with Yewande Biala, 23, as she teamed up with Joanna Chimonides, Amy Hart, Anna Vakili and Francesca Allen for their new In The Style clothing range. Talk about girl power!
Are you thrilled to be part of this campaign?
It’s insane. I never thought I’d have my own edit somewhere.
Is it particularly exciting to share it with the others?
I think it’s great – that’s why the edit works so well. People of different sizes, backgrounds and styles. I feel like we all bring something different to the table, and that’s why it works so well.

Who had the best poses at the photo shoot?
Francesca – she can do this thing with her eyebrows. She smizes. How does she do it?
Getting all dressed up together, did it feel a bit like you were back in the villa?
It did and it didn’t because we used to do our own make-up and we’d have a really tight schedule. Everyone was rushed and in such a small space. Whereas this was just a nice chit chat, everyone had fun.
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Is it harder to date post-Love Island, now that you’re all so busy?
I literally have no time! I don’t even think I’m interested in dating at the moment. I’m not looking. I’m single, but not ready to mingle.
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