Chris Hughes throws shade at Bradley Dack: nine weeks after Olivia Attwood wedding

Chris and Olivia Attwood dated on Love Island 2017

chris hughes bradley dack and olivia attwood

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Published on

In news we was not expecting to write today, a Love Island star has thrown shade at an actual footballer.

It's actually not as rogue as you'd think because it involves Love Island 2017 stars Chris Hughes his ex Olivia Attwood and her husband Bradley Dack, but still.

We're going to need you to bare with us while we try to chat about football... So, Bradley previously played for Blackburn but now he's now signed a one-year deal with Sunderland.

olivia attwood and bradley dack
the newly weds earlier this month ©Getty Images

Phew, they're all the footie details we're going to discuss.

Anyway, following the news about Bradley's transfer (we think that's a football term), Chris randomly commented on social media with a savage response.

After Sunderland posted the news on Twitter, Chris replied with a video of himself covering his ears... with Olivia next to him in bed in the Love Island villa.

Lots of people found it hilarious with one person tweeting, "This can't be true, is it true? Tell me it's true. Oh Hughsy what a season of fun u will have."

Someone else said, "Unreal was waiting for this!!"

Another person commented, "This is too good."

One more added, "What we need is you and Bradders to get a photo together".


olivia attwood and chris hughes
chris and olivia straight after the love island final ©Getty Images

It's the crossover we didn't see coming but we're totally here for it.

Chris' post comes nine weeks after his ex Olivia married Bradley and fun fact, the reality star and footballer actually dated before her Love Island stint. In fact, Olivia revealed that Brad turned up at her house the day before she flew to the Love Island villa.

"I said 'This is what's happening' and he was just silent on the phone and I was like, 'You didn't wanna commit or whatever so this is what it is'."

She went on to say on PrettyLittleThing's podcast, "Anyway, I flew back from Germany and I literally had a few days to pack, my best friend was coming to my house and was helping me pack and I was getting picked up by a chaperone from the show at 5am in the morning.

"He turned up at my flat at midnight the night before I left. He'd had like a penny drop moment."

Unfortunately (well, kind of because it all worked out in the end) Olivia still went on Love Island, fell for Chris but after they split, Bradley managed to win Olivia over.

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