We love a bit of self-care and all this time at home has really given us an excuse to look after ourselves inside and out. Each week, we'll be asking the celeb lot to share their Sunday self-care routines, because who even goes out anymore, eh?
Harley Brash is known for being on Love Island season five and is now an influencer and Instagram mega babe. She's also worked with huge brands including Boux Avenue and is currently in South Africa isolating with her boyfriend.
The 22-year-old talks to heat about the influencer life, mental health and her current skincare routine...
On trolls
Harley opens up about leaving the Love Island villa and experiencing 'a lot of trolls' which was a 'huge shock'.
"Obviously I knew what trolls were, but when you experience it first-hand it really does take you back. I went on that show and I was 100% myself, so when these people were trolling me, I was just confused, because how can you be nasty to someone when you don’t even know them?"
"I used to get upset, especially the first time I ever experienced it, I remember ringing my mum and I couldn’t really control myself. But I realised they’re not nice people and they don’t know you. You have to keep your friends close!"
On her go-to sheet mask
"On a Sunday, I’m like hair mask in, face mask on, jade roller out, fairy lights on and probably getting a takeaway! It’s not even a want, it’s a need."
Honestly, a girl after our own heart.
"I actually love theGarnier Moisture Bomb sheet masks and they’re so cheap too, they’re like £2. They’re the ones I always go for. They’re honestly unbelievable and make my skin feel so amazing after. I stock up on them all the time. "

To keep her blonde hair in good condition, Harley swears byOlaplex No.3 Hair Perfector."It's just a godsend!"
On manifestation
Harley explains how she's using the lockdown as an excuse to put herself first and find things she really enjoys doing
"I’ve been trying to find hobbies, because the one thing I will admit is before lockdown I didn’t have anything that I’d look forward to, I would just go out with friends but didn’t really do anything for me."
"Now I try to focus on things I enjoy, I’m really into Pinterest, I’ve made mood boards and getting the right aesthetics, things like that."
Harley is a huge believer in manifestation and the Law of Attraction - essentially putting good thoughts out into the universe and getting good back.
"I think you can honestly control anything with your thoughts and positive thoughts really do go a long way. A positive thought can control your whole mind and day."
On not having a skincare routine
Harley admits she's not huge on skincare and the more products she puts on her skin will mean she's more likely to break out.
"I really want to be that person where I wake up and put this and that on my face, because it makes you look like you have your life together when you have an amazing skincare routine!"
We totally relate, tbh.
"I keep it simple. I just use a cleanser and then moisturise with the Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base. It’s honestly amazing - another godsend."
"I always think less is more. I’m not a big believer in a lot of make-up, I don’t even wear eyeshadow on my eyes. I literally just go out the house in a bit of concealer and a bit of contour, I think a fresh face looks better, but each to their own completely."
On being an influencer
"The hardest thing is definitely the competition," Harley admits. "In this day and age, for most girls my age, that’s what they want to do. They want to be on Instagram, they want to be getting free clothes and for anyone, it sounds ideal. So it’s like, keeping up with the trends, keeping up with the times, not comparing yourself to others, because there is a lot of competition. Just remembering you are you and people like you for you."
How does Harley keep a healthy balance when it comes to being on Instagram and does she ever feel burned out?
"I follow a lot of positivity accounts and I try to turn it into a really positive place. So when I wake up in the morning and check Instagram, because those accounts are what I like most, I always see a positive quote and it sets my day off really well. The good quote is a really good one to follow, that’s the account I actually engage with the most."
Quickfire round:
Show you're currently binging? I’m currently watching Money Heist. My boyfriend and I have had a lot more time now there’s a second wave in South Africa.
Go-to cuppa: I like my cuppa like a Builder’s tea, so not a lot of milk!
Favourite loungewear brand? I loveBoux Avenue, they’re an amazing company.
Favourite candle: I like Le Labo, their scents are amazing.
Shop Harley's self-care favourites:
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Now! More news!
Kady McDermott and Joanna Chimonides talks self-care, £8 moisturisers and their new QUIZ collection
Grace Beverley talks fitness routines, self-care and New Year's Resolutions
Vicky Pattison talks mental health, skincare routines and her £4.99 beauty secret
On her favourite podcast
Even though it sounds a little cliche, I love the PrettyLittleThing podcast, they’re all influencers and they talk about their journeys and obviously, I’m an influencer. It’s very motivational to hear their day-to-day lives, because when I came out of Love Island I was so confused and I didn’t know what routine I had to do. I had so much time on my hands and I didn’t want to get into a rut.