Love Island’s Konnor Ewudzi: his age, Instagram and job outside of the show

He joined the show as a bombshell alongside Matilda Draper


by Emily Vierke |
Updated on

They are throwing bombshells at us left, right and centre on this year's series of Love Island and there is no denying they are all doing their job pretty damn well.

For starters, having Joey Essex as the first bombshell to join Love Island 2024 was always going to cause hysteria, but in fairness, those who have followed in his footsteps have also thrown the villa into utter chaos.

joey and grace
joey and grace ©itv

Grace Jackson literally strolled in and stole Joey fromSamantha Kenny which meant the Liverpudlian was single and ultimately booted out.

This week, we welcomed two more hot AF Islanders to the Spanish villa and they made it clear from the outset they aren't afraid to step on toes.

Konnor Ewudzi and Matilda Draper had to pick three of the current romantic hopefuls to cook them up a meal of starter, main and dessert and while Tilda played it relatively safe, Konnor did not.

konnor and Matilda
konnor and Matilda are new bombshells ©itv

The barber selected three of the girlies that are the most coupled up; Grace who is with Joey, Mimii Ngulube who is with Ayo Odukoya, and Nicole Samuels who is living her Welsh dream with Ciaran Davies.

However, there is one of the Love Island chicas Konnor previously confessed to having his eye on that he did NOT pick to date.

"Grace is a very pretty girl," he admitted before also adding, "Uma [Jammeh] has a cool vibe."

Not only that but in last night's episode during the game of Suck and Blow he was jumping at every opportunity to kiss Jess White; he's only been there one day and he's already flirted with half the girls in the villa. Obviously this means we love him...

Konnor and Uma
Konnor and Uma ©itv

Who is Konnor Ewudzi?

Konnor joined Matilda as one of the latest bombshells set to shake things up in the Love Island villa.

How old is Konnor Ewudzi?

The newbie is 28 years old.

konnor ©itv

Where is Konnor Ewudzi  from?

He's from sunny ole Cornwall; how many times are they going to ask if he can surf?

What does Konnor Ewudzi do?

Konnor is a barber, let's hope he has better luck than fellow hair expert Sam Taylor who was the first to be dumped from the villa.

Jess Konnor mimmii
Konnor kissed jess in the challenge ©itv

What is Konnor Ewudzi's Instagram?

Check him out at @konnorewudzi.

WATCH: Which Islander is different to how they appear on screen? 👀

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