January is quite the month isn't it? Gone is all the warmth and merriment of the Christmas period and instead all we've got is the arduous wait for things to warm up a little during the countdown to spring.
It's also the month that's the furthest away from Christmas... Yep, still a full 12 months to go (not that we're counting or anything 👀).
With this in mind many of you may look to the internet as a way to articulate your hatred of the month, so here are a few of our favourite memes that perfectly sum up January...
Check out: 13 memes that perfectly sum up January
13 memes that perfectly sum up January

January Memes
One of the biggest dreads of everyone over the Christmas period is the return to work in January. It can really feel like a lot has piled up on you (as this meme takes very literally).

January memes
Is any phrase more synonymous with January than "new year, new me"? One of the classic New Year's resolutions is definitely to get into better shape, potentially even with a new gym membership. This meme encourages you to get creative with what you mean by "gym". After all, gyms are just a social construct anyway, right? Why not give your mouth a good work out at a Maccies this January?

January memes
This meme highlights one of the classic emails everyone will receive on returning to work after Christmas. What would January be without this email? Honestly the whole world goes on pause over December... The hardest part is definitely getting things up and running again in the New Year.

January memes
Whilst it is always disappointing to see the end of Christmas, this year the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic threw many people's festivities into chaos. Many had to self isolate, meaning lots of us weren't able to have the Christmas we had planned. This meme pokes fun at this slightly disappointing Christmas.

January memes
Here we go again with the "new year, new me" mantra ud83dude44. This meme highlights how, for many, this phrase is all talk - like many New Year's resolutions it's easy to say, but harder to follow through on the promise.

January memes
There's a lot riding on 2022. After all 2021 and (especially) 2020 really didn't deliver, and that's putting it lightly. As such many will be looking on 2022 to make up for these past two years, and as the first month of the year, there's a lot of pressure on January to deliver. If these past years are anything to go on, however, this interpretation of the coming year may (sadly) prove to be true.

January memes
The best part of December is that it's basically a month long cheat day... but like all good things it must come to an end. In this case that end is January, as this meme highlights.

January memes
January doesn't half drag on, what with work starting again and the cold weather. Any month's better than January to be honest, as it means things are getting that little bit warmer. This meme really encapsulates the wait for February (the shortest month).

January memes
If you were to look up the definition of 'January' in a dictionary, this would be the most accurate one you could get. Here's a question though: is January a giant Monday or is Monday a tiny January? ud83eudd14

January memes
Once again January can really seem to drag, as this meme highlights. Not only can the month seem deceptively long, but by the end we all no doubt feel that bit older: we all start the month as a Macklemore and end the month as a Toby from The Office.

January memes
Considering how hard the past two years have been, it's tempting to throw caution to wind as we enter 2022. It's been so long, honestly what's to stop us just going ahead and living our best lives? Whether that be starting a new hobby, doing a bit of exercise or... er... yelling at the birds? Each to their own we reckon.

January memes
This meme really highlights what the last two years have been: a bit of a spanner in the works for everyone, but going forward hopefully just a little blip in the span of our lives. Considering COVID is very much still a thing in 2022, however, we may have to keep blinking for a little while longer.

January memes
This meme really says it all when it comes to our complex feelings about the coming year. Considering how disappointing 2020 and 2021 were, there is definitely a sense of caution as we enter 2022. But ultimately, we all hope that in the New Year we can leave all this disappointment behind.
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Whilst January can be a difficult month for a lot of us, the best thing about it is definitely the fact that things can only improve from here.
The weather will get warmer, the days will get longer... Covid will (hopefully) disappear.
In the meantime (or should we say: "meme-time") we hope these memes will help you through what feels like the longest month of the year. The Monday of months, the Bounty of the Celebrations, the raisins in the granola.
Here's to a cracking 2022 for all.