Meet Excitable Edgar in the 2019 John Lewis Christmas advert

The Christmas season has officially started

John Lewis

by Anna Sky Hulton |
Updated on

After a teaser for the new John Lewis Christmas Advert appeared on Twitter, this year's advert has now dropped and it features a new loveable character, Excitable Edgar.

Since 2007, John Lewis' Christmas adverts have become iconic featuring covers of some very famous songs, including Elton John's 'Your Song', covered by Ellie Goulding, and Lily Allen's cover of 'Somewhere Only We Know'.

Now for the first time ever, John Lewis and Waitrose have released a joint Christmas advert.

WATCH: Excitable Edgar is the star of joint John Lewis and Waitrose Christmas advert

This year's advert follows Excitable Edgar as he is very excited about the festivities in his village, which sees him accidentally melting the ice-rink, reducing a snowman to a puddle and setting fire to a Christmas tree.

Edgar finally shuts himself away in despair, but his friend Ava encourages him to rejoin the village with the gift of a Christmas pudding, which allows him to put his fire to perfect use.

All of these Christmas shenanigans is set to Bastille's Dan Smith's cover of REO Speedwagon's classic song, 'Can't Fight This Feeling'.

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The Christmas advert was filmed over two weeks in Budapest, with an extras cast of around 100 people. And a full range of Edgar merchandise is available, including a cuddly toy, a Christmas Pudding, cupcakes called, 'Chocolate Edgars' and a gingerbread biscuit.

John Lewis is known for its iconic Christmas adverts, so we thought we'd take a look at their Christmas adverts since they started back in 2007.

Whether it's the fantastic covers of well-known songs, or the loveable characters such as the bear and the hare, or Moz, they're all memorable in their own way.

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