Big Brother is set to return to our screens this year, cue squeals of excitement at the prospect of the diary room chair and iconic all seeing eye back on our TV, and with that in mind we have been reminiscing about all the past seasons.
The OG series aired in 2000 and made a star out of Liverpudlian Craig Phillips and a villain out of 'Nasty' Nick Bateman who was kicked out after he was caught cheating and 'swaying' the nominations. God, we live for the drama.
Throughout the eighteen years it aired in the UK, Big Brother has truly provided us with unforgettable telly moments and iconic housemates.
Big Brother 7 aka Big Brother 2006 was no different. Who remembers Grace swilling Suzie? Or the world being introduced to Nikki Grahame?
A true icon.
So without further ado, here's a look back at the iconic Big Brother cast from 2006...
Big Brother Series 7 Cast - where are they now?

Pete Bennett
During his time in the house Pete Bennett was popular among the housemates and the public, he formed a relationship with icon Nikki Grahame and went on to win the show. As the first contestant with Tourettes, Pete was praised for "putting Tourettes on the map".

Pete Bennett
Pete won Big Brother 6 and when he left he had a mildly successful music career but ended up appearing on Jeremy Kyle 2015 after he became homeless. Pete seems to be doing much better now and has featured in a few films.

Glyn Wise
Glyn Wise came in second on BB7, the welsh lifeguard was just eighteen years old when he took part in the show and won over the nations hearts when he learnt how to boil an egg for the first time during his time in the house.

Glyn Wise
Glyn is now a priest and featured on This Morning recently where he chatted about Nikki Grahame and the documentary Nikki Grahame: Who is she?

Aisleyne Wallace Horgan
Aisleyne Wallace Horgan entered the house on day 12 but made it all the way to the final where she came third. She was a much talked about contestant and clashed with both Nikki and Grace during her time on the show but later became close friends with Nikki once they were out of the house.

Aisleyne Wallace Horgan
Aisleyne now works as a influencer with brands such as Curvy Kate and SheIn, she also has an OnlyFans account and her own aesthetics company.

Richard Newman
Richard Newman came in fourth on BB7, he was close to fellow housemates Lea Walker and they referred to themselves as Dickie and Dolly. The waiter managed to survive eviction six times during his time in the house. Damn.

Richard Newman
Richard hosted a radio show for two years after he left Big Brother but was caught up in a lawsuit in 2016 where he sued his previous employer for 'unfair dismissal.'

Nikki Grahame
Nikki Grahame was without a doubt one of the most hilarious and iconic housemates EVER. From her diary room whining and constant complaining about pretty much everything, the phrase "WHO IS SHE? WHERE DID YOU FIND HERE?" regarding fellow contestant Suzie will be remembered forever.

Nikki Grahame
After a life-long battle with anorexia, Nikki sadly died in April 2021 at the age of thirty eight. Love and adoration from her fellow housemates came flooding in when the news was announced.

Jennie Corner
Jennie Corner was a Liverpudlian student who came in sixth on BB7.

Jennie Corner
Jennie basically disappeared from the face of the earth once she left Big Brother but if LinkedIn is anything to go by it looks as if Jennie has a proper job in sales.

Imogen Thomas
Imogen Thomas aka Miss Wales 2003 was close friends to Nikki during her time on Big Brother and ended up coming in seventh place.

Imogen Thomas
Imogen very much stayed in the limelight after Big Brother especially after her alleged affair with footballer Ryan Giggs. She now has two children and very much leads the 'mumfluencer' lifestyle.

Suzie Verrico
Suzie Verrico was essentially the Charlie Bucket of BB7 by that we mean she WON a ticket from a Kit Kat bar, iconic. Suzie had some major bust-ups during her time in the house especially with Nikki (who is she?!) and Grace.

Suzie Verrico
Suzie is living a pretty normal life now, she has a few hundred Instagram followers and keeps them up to date with her travelling, dogs and life after Big Brother.

Mikey Dalton
Mikey Dalton managed to find love on the show in the form of Grace Adams-Short although Grace was evicted early on, Mikey lasted for a few more weeks.

Mikey Dalton
Mikey and Grace are STILL TOGETHER. They even have four children and seem to be loving life.

Who remembers Spiral? With a love for rapping, the Irish contestant who was actually called Glen, was an aspiring DJ and rapper.

Not much is known about Spiral nowadays, he released a single when he left the show and popped up in the news when The Daily Mailreported he'd been kicked out of Aldi in 2020 for not wearing a mask...

Michael Cheshire
Manchester born Michael Cheshire was the 100th BB housemate and remember he had that cuddly toy cat? So random.

Michael Cheshire
In 2016 Michael appeared on Judge Rinder where he was accused of owing fellow housemate Aisleyne £2475. Manchester born Michael has an Instagram account but it is private and he has less than 600 followers.

Jayne Kitty
Jayne Kitt was one of those housemates that you either loved or hated. The recruitment consultant from Slough joined the house on day 44 and was evicted on day 65.

Jayne Kitty
Not much is known about Jayne now, she doesn't have much social media presence and unlike her Big Brother stint seems to keep to herself.

Lea Walker
Lea Walker formed a strong alliance with Richard Newman when she was on Big Brother and was the other half of Dickie and Dolly.

Lea Walker
Lea released a book after leaving Big Brother. She is active on social media and she also has an OnlyFans.

Lisa Huo
Lisa Huo was a trainee plumber from Manchester and she was in the house for 37 days before being evicted.

Lisa Huo
In 2016 Lisa found herself in some serious hot water when she caught trolling a women on Facebook whose brother had committed suicide. She did not face any jail time.

Grace Adams-Short
Grace Adams-Short may have fallen in love with Mikey when she was on the show but she was not a popular housemate and she despised Suzie. When Grace was evicted she threw a drink in Suzie's face on the way out. Very dramatic indeed.

Grace Adams-Short
Although they were separated early on, Mikey and Grace stayed together. We assume Grace is done with drink-throwing as she seems to be happy as Larry raising her four children with Mikey.

Sam Brodie
Scottish Sam Brodie was evicted after having a fight with Lea and found herself up against Nikki Grahame.
Sam Looks very different now with short blonde hair and has appeared in a few movies here and there and they even have their own IMDB page, like a proper actor.

Sezer Yurtseven
Sezer Yurtseven is a stock broker for London who lasted 16 days before being evicted. After leaving the house, Sezer find himself in trouble around 2013 with accusations of failing to file tax returns. Since then he has kept quiet.

George Askew
George Askew walked out of the house because he decided he "did not want to be famous." Well he got his wish because honestly, where is he now?

Jonathan Leonard
Jonathan Leonard was only on the show for a hot sec, it now looks like he is trying his hand at acting.

Bonnie Holt
Bonnie Holt was evicted and unable to return to the house due to a legal issue surrounding not paying for some joke. Not much to report on Bonnie but social media tells us she is now a mum.

Dawn Blake
Dawn Blake was ejected by Big Brother producers as it was discovered she was using a code to speak with the outside world, all very Nasty Nick of her. Not much is known about the Brummie nowadays.

Shahbaz Chaudry
Shahbaz Chaudry walked out of the house on day 6 after being a victim of bullying. Shahbaz has kept quiet since he left Big Brother.