Love Island's Joe Garratt's close friend has had his say over the controversy surrounding the 2019 contestant. It comes after Joe was branded "possessive" towards Lucie Donlan by domestic abuse charity Womens Aid.
Taking to Twitter, Max Wilkins quote tweeted Womens Aid statement, writing, 'As a close friend of Joe’s, posts like these are the hardest to read.
'The thought of this 22 year old kind and genuine lad coming out of the villa to see how an edited tv show has portrayed him to be ‘manipulative’ and ‘possessive’ and for him to have to look at posts like these'. [sic]
Max added, 'to make judgements on a few minutes of clipped tv in which they’re most probably influenced to say the things that they do, especially by other cast members (some girls have been overlooked in this situation). So many people on social media made an attempt to mention after show..'. [sic]
In another tweet Max reinforced, 'He [Joe] has always been respectful to women and every one that knows joe would agree he is the most supportive, sensitive and thoughtful person you could meet'. [sic]
Max's comments were followed by fans rushing to Joe's defence with one replying, 'His a young lad, he doesn't deserve this backlash....' [sic] whilst one Twitter user wrote, 'Someone tweeted now that Joe is out he’ll need a lot of support because he’s been torn online and that actually makes me so sad.

'Feel like we forget that the islanders are real people with real feelings who will see this when they come out so let’s all try to be nicer'.
Tonight's (Wednesday) episode will reveal the dramatic fall out of Joe's exit, with the show teasing Lucie is set to QUIT the villa and head back home to be reunited with Joe.
Swipe through to read how weird all of the Love Island rules are...
Love Island rules - STACKED RADIO
No getting drunk
According to 2017 contestant Kem Cetinay, contestants are allowed one small glass of wine or beer a night with dinner.Being drunk's an absolute no-no, so sex while intoxicated is obviously against the rules too.
No masturbating
No solo sex acts are allowed in the villa, though obviously allowed to get jiggy with their partner.

No nudity
Contestants cannot be naked in front of other islanders, since the villa is technically a public space.

No books, phones or magazines
The islanders are given snazzy phones from their sponsor, Samsung (what else would they get their texts on?); but anyone sneaking their own mobile phone into the villa would risk being removed.Same goes for books and magazines, too.
No inappropriate language or behaviour
This could cover homophobic, racist or aggressive language and is quite the broad rule. Inappropriate behaviour is again at producers' discretion, and would include violence and sexual harassment.

No discriminating against staff
Any Islanders who are rude to crew could run the risk of being booted off the show, and contestants must NOT take their mic packs off unless instructed to.

Follow the rule book
Simple. Contestants must obey the rule book they're provided with; which includes information on safe sex, consent and how to know if you're following the guidelines.
NOW WATCH: Love Islanders take HOW many clothes into the villa?! 😱 Kem Cetinay's Primark MAN x Kem haul
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